rain and the thing

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i love seeing people gathering
under the flyover when it rains

even the puddles are together
shifting foot for one more

the lightening is the only line
and thunder the only slam of a door

the yellow polka dots umbrella
is next to the plain black one

and they talk about how dark
it is getting

and about home and distance
closer somewhere

bhajis frying around water waist high
but we will stop for a bite

and carry the smell of shoulders
touching inside the stall with us

and chai is the only word
to fog glasses on our eyes

and we are huddled up closer
because bodies are colder and

friction of breaths are matchsticks
we can stay warmer together

hands in the pockets will come out
and hold our fingers in scrutiny

figuring all the gaps they have left
when they held and there is a sad song

playing somewhere of rain and the thing
gathered up in a word like wringing out

the two ends of the wet shirt
and feel it grow heavy

loosening from our skin rheumatic and free

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