Mage Tommy AU

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Magic in all elements was the base of the world of SMP and Worlds

Magic existed in everyone Hybrids, Mobs, Admins, and Players

But certain players were born with Magic from a stone, and these players are called Mages.

And the strongest line of Mages were the Innits 

The mastery of all Elements and Healing magic made them the most sought after but also the most dangerous, so the Bounty Hunter went for the kill

Almost all Innits died except one Clara Innit and with her magic, she gave birth to the next-generation Tommy Innit

Tommy was a brilliant boy and a most skillful Mage, even surpassing all of his ancestors, but the boy's life would take a tragic turn, causing him to not only to lose his catalyst but also his Mother but not without a parting gift

“Tommy, I am not long for this world. This box I give you holds three gems that let you cast any spells but the moment you cast them, they will break my son, please live and find a catalyst, one I know you would wield with so much energy” that was Clara's last words before the boy cried.

Then the craft family found him and adopted him, not knowing about the Innit lineage

Of course, you all know the tale of the Dream SMP, but this story is all about Demons and the Egg.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Most of the SMP are running from the red vines as the broke through the earth as everyone was heading towards the Nether portal Tommy having his son Shroud and Tubbo and Ranboo have their son Michael

As everyone almost went inside the portal, vine grabbed Tommy's arm, dragging him back “Fuck everyone leaves save yourselves!” Tommy said sad it may be, but he trusts his son with Tubbo and Ranboo until he felt someone grab him, and it was Phil “Phil wha-” “There's no time we're not leaving anyone behind!” Phil held Tommy's hand as they both ran to the portal, but Tommy felt Phil throw him to the portal and there he saw everyone.

Everyone looked distraught and questioned where Phil was until he came through the Portal and destroyed it but when Phil turns around there were a hole through his chest along with some Crimson vines

Everyone three the vines in Blue Fire but Phil was dying “Heh I'm sorry Tech even if Tommy betrayed us, he's still my son” Phil said in his last breaths and there Techno was cursing at Tommy the Egg and Dream for being the reasons of this happening Tommy for being too slow, Dream for making this server and The Egg for killing his father

Tommy looked at Techno with sadness but also regret his actions in the past were questionable, but he doesn't regret it besides Techno again had some fault in them

Philza died from blood lost

Lives: 0

Everyone cried except Tommy who looked at his inventory and saw his magic Crystal, his last one. He could save Phil but risk his last magic item.

“Fucking Dammit” Tommy cursed out loud and everyone looked angry at him, but Tommy didn't care, but he stepped forward to Phil's body “Dammit Phil now we're fucking even don't you dare say I owe you a favor” everyone was about to beat Tommy until he grabbed the last blue crystal in his inventory and broke letting the magic surround him

“╎ ᓵ ᔑ ꖎꖎ 𝙹!¡ᒷリ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ꖎ╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣  𝙹⎓ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍑ᒷᔑ ⍊ᒷリᓭ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 𝙹!¡ᒷリ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⊣ᔑ ℸ ̣ ᒷᓭ 𝙹⎓ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷∴𝙹∷ꖎ↸ ᔑ リ↸ ʖ∷╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭ𝙹⚍ꖎ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ !¡⚍∷⊣ᔑ ℸ ̣ 𝙹∷||” Tommy said in an unknown language to everyone “Resurrection!” When Tommy said the last part, two white circles came from Phil and a small white feather fell on him. 

For a few moments, nothing happened the Phil gasped for air “What the” then Tommy slapped Phil “Now we're even” Tommy left to his son who was amazed at the sight “Papa how did you do that” The Spider Hybrid said as everyone else had that same question “Yeah Tommy if you can do that why didn't you revive Wilbur” “And how can you be able to do that” “Leave it to Tommy to have something so important and never telling everyone”

Tommy broke “Okay you want the truth I'm a mage and reviving someone isn't something us humans should do. There are so many Fucking consequences. Dreams Fucking book actually drains the Goddess of Death magic, killing her slowly while I use my magic to revive Phil because he died by something else and Phil had special circumstances” Tommy said

“If I can use magic I had used it at the L'manburg war but no, I'm limited to three spells that I have used Phil was my last spell. Now I can't do jack shit” Tommy started to cry at this point “I'm useless I barely used a sword Techno would have trained me but no Philza fucking Minecraft wanted to travel and needed someone for company and I had to deal with an insane man going to an early grave”

Tommy kept crying as his voice broke, “And I still remember my mother how kind she was, the love she showed me. This isn't a family. You guys are just a bunch of lunatics who can't connect with each other because dear old dad can't stay still and commit to something”

Tommy kept crying as Shroud hugged his Dad and looked at everyone in distaste except for Tubbo and Ranboo “Wait Tommy, from our knowledge you only used one of those things to bring Phil back. How did you lose the other two"

Tommy looked at Puffy who asked a good question. As Tommy took deep breaths, he responded “Shlatt ripped out Tubbo's horns once if you guys know” everyone nodded “but they grew back” Tubbo said daringly “No Tubs they can't grow back from that state I healed them they were ripped out and can't grow back like normal, so I healed your horns, so they grew back from me”

Tubbo grabbed his horns the ones he thought grew back on their own were actually because of his best friend's help. Tubbo silently thanked Tommy for this “And the other?” Tubbo asked, “Tubs, how do you think Shroud is here?” Everyone looked confused, “You found him in a bush as a baby, right?” That's what everyone assumed, but Tommy laughed.

“No, I technically birthed Shroud. He was born using my Blood and an accidental spider that went to the gem but no Shroud was born from Magic. He's my biological son Tubs” Not that was a shock but Puffy made a joke “Damn every mother wished they can have an easy pregnancy” “Don't say that Shroud called me Mom when he was little”

Everyone laughed at that information, but Tommy wanted to move on, “Okay let's just keep going. The only area the Egg hasn't taken over yet is the Arctic and The End and here, of course, anyone wants to stay here in the Nether?” Those questions do make more questions but Techno stepped up “I guess I owe Tommy for reviving Phil, so we can all stay at the Arctic to make plans” Techno said.

Thing is the portal itself was far, so everyone just sucked it up and started to carefully make i through the Nether to get to the Arctic

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