Imitation AU

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"Fun fact I can imitate Techno voice" Tommy said when Techno and Ranboo where mining "Cap" Ranboo said "Tommy I'm Piglin just because your my brother doesn't mean you have all the good genes" Tommy looked at Techno "Yeah Techno I'm sure I got them all" Tommy said with perfect imitation Techno looked shocked "Heh" Ranboo was just as confused "Dont Worry Boo I can also do yours"  Ranboo and Techno looked at each other and decided it's to late for this shit 

"Sometimes it's easy to fuck around with Quackity using Techno's voice" Tommy admitted

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"Niki can you make me some bread" Wilbur? Said as Niki turned around and saw Tommy there "Where's Wilbur I swore I heard him?" Niki said "You did but it was me now can I have bread I want some for Shroud tomorrow" Niki didn't want to lose whatever braincells she had and gave Tommy Shrouds favorite bread  as he left Niki was alone until "Hey Niki can I get my order?" Wilbur? Said as Niki turned around with her knife she saw it was Wilbur

"Niki whatever I did I didn't mean to" Wilbur said with his hands up "Sorry let me get it"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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