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(Art by: me) (Character Desing of Bey by : Seabloom2002)

AS a little Girl Lara was the daughter of a rich family and Had she wished for, a giant mansion, hundreds of animals to cuddle, admire and Play with and a friend called beyza.

Bey was 2 years older then her and came from a relative normal Family even tho laras parents did Not aprichiate the little Girls status, Bey was acepted by them anyways, they would often play together at Laras mansion.
Bey hated It when she needed to head Home her parents were strict and favorized her sister over her, Lara was her only friend and even tho they were Just Friends Bey Had Always the tendency to act Like a mother, worriyng for her when Lara Had yet agian a stupid idea that would get them in trouble.

Both grew older at the age of 16 laras father told her He will No longer pay her If she didnt learn how to Work for her Money, so she did she took a Job AS a waitress in one of the Most known Restaurants in the city, she usally served the VIP guests.

Beyza worked at a Kindergarden AS a daycare attendent, this Job realy fitted her well for she Had a very Motherly behavior.

Lara and Bey would Always meet at a small café After Work and Talk about their lives.

And one day when Lara was Just about to finish her shift a new Person walked in the VIP Lounge a Baby blue moon Like Boy He looked Like He was around 20 (lara being 19 herself at the time) He intruduced himself AS Lunar and soon they became friends Lara invited him to the Daily meeting in the cafe to have some small talk and to intruduce him to beyza.

They talked and told about their lifes and so, like how much fun Bey has working as a daycare attendant.

Strangely, lunar had a note book with him in which he wrote some stuff down.... But Bey didn't think much of it, little did she know about who His brothers were, but both of them will soon find Out....


Thanks for Reading, i Hope you liked It, please leave a comment With ideas for Things i could do better and/ or Like the chapter.

Have a great day everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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