Royal Revelation

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Chapter 1: The Forsaken Twin

Rain poured relentlessly from the darkened sky, drenching the cobblestone streets of the small village of Thornwood. The chilling wind cut through the air, whistling through the narrow alleyways as the townsfolk hurried to find shelter from the storm. Among them was a young girl, no more than seven years old, her soaked cloak clinging to her fragile frame. She trudged forward with a determined gait, her wide eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and determination.

The girl's name was Isabella, and her life had been marked by a cruel twist of fate from the very beginning. She and her twin brother, Edward, had been born into a world of privilege and opulence, the offspring of a noble family. But their mother, Lady Genevieve, had never desired children. She had only craved a son, an heir to the family name and wealth. When she learned that she was pregnant with twins, her heart was filled with a bitter disappointment that soured her every waking moment.

Lady Genevieve was a woman of beauty and grace, known throughout the kingdom for her stunning features and sharp wit. But beneath her flawless exterior, she harbored a coldness that chilled even the warmest of hearts. As the day of the twins' birth approached, whispers of her disdain for the impending daughter spread like wildfire through the castle walls.

On that fateful night, as the rain cascaded down, Lady Genevieve's face contorted with anger and frustration as Isabella's cries pierced the air. She cradled her newborn son, Alexander, in her arms, her eyes filled with adoration. But when she glanced at her daughter, a look of indifference washed over her features. It was then, in the presence of her husband, King Sebastian that she made her chilling decree.

"I will not raise this girl," she announced, her voice laced with venom. "She is not fit to bear the name of our noble lineage. Take her away."

The weight of her mother's rejection hung heavy in Isabella's heart as she stumbled through the village, searching for refuge. Her tiny hands clutched a tattered cloth doll, her only comfort in this world. Tears mingled with the rain on her cheeks, blending together in a torrent of anguish.

With no family or friends to turn to, Isabella sought shelter in a dilapidated old cottage at the edge of the village. The home had long been abandoned, its wooden beams creaking in protest as she stepped across the threshold. She curled up in a corner, seeking solace from the storm that raged both outside and within her.

As the night wore on, Isabella's hunger grew, gnawing at her insides like a relentless beast. Her thoughts drifted to the warm, savory meals that would be enjoyed by the children of Thornwood, tucked safely into their beds. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through her imagination, making her stomach growl with longing.

Driven by desperation, Isabella mustered the last vestiges of her courage and ventured back into the storm. With every step, determination etched itself into her young face. She would not be defined by her mother's rejection. She would survive.

In the heart of Thornwood, nestled among the grandeur of towering oaks, stood the royal palace. It was a place of wonder and mystery, where the whispers of the wind carried tales of kings and queens. The palace gates loomed before Isabella, guarded by men clad in gleaming armor. Their eyes flickered with curiosity as they beheld the young girl, her unkempt hair and tattered clothing a stark contrast to the opulence that surrounded her.

Summoning all her courage, Isabella approached the guards, her voice trembling but resolute. "Please," she implored, her voice barely audible above the howling wind. "I seek shelter and food. I have no home, and my hunger is unbearable."

The guards exchanged glances, their stern expressions softening ever so slightly. One of them stepped forward, extending a gloved hand towards the shivering girl. "Come, child," he said gently. "We shall see to it that you are taken care of."

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⏰ Última actualización: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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