Part 1

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6:30 and Mason was yelling at me to get up, we had to get to the Hanger by 8, but we like getting there early, it gives us a chance to mess around before training.

I was the last one to get up, Mas, Sammy, Guelf and Calders were having breakfast when I walked out, I had some weet-bix before having a shower and getting changed, I put my club polo, leggings and club jumper on before getting the keys to get the boys and myself to training

I walked through the door of the Hanger like every other day but today was different, today was special, the new draftees were coming to the hanger for the first time to meet the boys and the rest of the bombers community

I was a trainer so I got to meet them today. The new players are Nic Cox, Zach Reid, John Eyre, Cody Brand and Archie Perkins

Archie was our first pickup this year, he's good looking but his hair is long but I like long hair, Mason has long hair so I don't mind but I think short hair is more attractive.

John Worsfold is still the coach but he's leaving soon and Ben Rutten is taking over so it will be interesting to see how he will go.

The President Xavier Campbell gathered every to introduce the boys before letting us go off and make our own introductions to the boys

As soon as Archie walked in, I felt a jolt I was so drawn to him, he was so handsome and I couldn't take my eyes off him the whole time even though I tried to distract myself so no one noticed, hopefully, no one did

As soon as we got dismissed to go make our introductions I went over to Mason who was talking to Nic "My sister Abbey, she's a trainer here" Mason said and Nic nodded in my direction. He was nice but I just wanted to meet Archie

Archie was talking to Guelf, I went over to them and made my introduction, I soaked him in, he was so cute and I just wanted to get to know him better


I was so nervous, I was about to walk into the club I would call home for a while, the place I dreamed about playing at.

Walking into everything seeing everyone for the first time but then I saw her, beautiful red hair, god, she was so beautiful, I just had to meet her, hopefully, she didn't have a boyfriend.

I didn't want to walk over to her, that would be weird, wouldn't it?

Matt Guelfi and Dyson Heppell were talking to me, meeting Hep was a dream come true, he's so amazing, why wouldn't you want to meet him?!

Hep left and I was still talking to Matt when she walked over, "Hi, I'm Abbey" she said, her voice was so beautiful
"I'm Mason Redman's sister and one of the trainers"
"It's nice to meet you" I guess that means she'll be around a lot, yay!

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