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I've been reflecting a lot since all of this shit began. Every day, I try to pinpoint the moment when I could have changed everything, but I haven't found that moment yet—the point of no return.

Fifty-four days ago, Julia disappeared. Maybe I could have prevented it, or maybe I couldn't have. Or maybe, at this point, I don't even care anymore.

"Harp! Wake up! You're already late, and if you want a ride, you have to hurry!" my brother Benji's voice echoes from the hallway, pulling me out from under the covers. I groan and complain as I reluctantly emerge from beneath the sheets. On the bed with me, I find Zeus, my black cat, who tilts his head and locks eyes with me. I stroke him behind the ears, and he purrs contentedly.

"Move, or I'll drag you out of bed! Dad already made breakfast" Benji insists.

Right... today marks the first day of my senior year of high school. I can't say I feel pressure—no, not at all. Obviously, I'm being sarcastic. Zeus and I exchange a glance, and I give him one last pet before rising from the bed. I grab my phone from the nightstand, turning it on to check the notifications I received overnight.

Messages from Isa:
-Can you pick me up tomorrow? My mom's a mess, as usual.-
-Why didn't you come to the party? I'm so disappointed. Without you, I'm all alone and bored.-

I text back:
-Good morning.-
-I can pick you up.-
-By the way, I need to buy a car. I don't want to keep relying on my brother.-

I scroll past the messages about last night's party and open Instagram and while brushing my teeth, I watch some videos from the event.
After showering, I dress in a pair of faded high-waisted jeans, a simple and snug black short-sleeve t-shirt, and my white Adidas sneakers. I leave my hair partially damp, and untamed and grab my backpack before joining my family in the kitchen.

Seated at the kitchen counter beside my brother, I'm greeted by our dad. He sets my toast and a glass of juice in front of me.

"Here she is, finally! My kiddo!" Dad exclaims, his voice filled with affection. "Good morning," I reply, starting to eat.

"It took you a while to wake up. That's not like you," Dad remarks as he joins us at the kitchen counter. "Are you anxious about your senior year? You shouldn't be. You've never had any difficulties, and I'm certain you'll get accepted by any university you choose." He pauses and begins eating.

"We have to pick up Isa on the way to school," I shift the conversation's focus and turn to my brother.

"Alright," Benji responds, heading back to his room. "We'll leave in 5 minutes."

"Harper..." Dad begins to say but stops himself and closes his mouth.

"Yes, Dad?" I look at him, but he remains silent.

"Can we hurry? I have plans too," Benji interrupts, reappearing from his room.

"It's already been 5 minutes," I say sarcastically, getting up hastily. I quickly ensure my cats have water and food, patting Keiko, my second cat, who is asleep on the sofa, and then I join my brother to head out.

"What's wrong with you?" Benji asks as he starts the car, and I quickly send a text to Isa, letting her know that we're leaving my house.

"What do you mean?" I reply, puzzled by his comment.

"You seem more agitated than usual today," he remarks.

"I just don't want to go through my senior year of high school and you are talking?!" I confess, my frustration is evident.

"Hmm... or maybe you just don't want to face all the people who will ask about you because you were friends with the missing girl," Benji suggests, offering an alternative perspective.

"Oh, come on, Benji, cut me some slack once in a while," I retort, rolling my eyes. I retrieve my music headphones from my backpack, drowning out his words, and blocking them from my ears and mind.

As expected, Isa keeps us waiting outside her house because she was not ready still. When she finally joins us, it's clear she's dealing with a hangover. As we arrive at school and step out of the car, my biggest fear doesn't materialize. Julia is still missing, but nobody turns to look at me or bombard me with questions. Everyone is engrossed in their own worlds: teachers engage in conversations while casting occasional glances at the smokers enjoying their last cigarettes on the wall, and groups of friends chat and laugh as they pass by.

"Harper, are you even listening to me?" Benji interrupts my thoughts.

"Sorry, no. What did you say?" I turn to Isa, offering a smile, finally feeling a weight lifted from my chest.

"I said we only have one class together today. Will you be good without me for the rest of the day?" she asks.

"I was actually afraid of spending the whole day with you!" I reply, and we both share a laugh. "Don't worry, I'm glad to have some time to myself," I continue, glancing at the other students by the entrance of the building. "If everyone can ignore me and move on with their lives, why can't I?"

"Fair enough. See you later. Are you coming to the High Bar today? I have a shift this afternoon" Isa asks as we begin to make our way into the school.

"Yes, I'll stop by" I respond. As I speak, I catch a glimpse of Oliver passing by, but I can't keep my eyes on him as he walks with the football team toward the classrooms.

"Harper, again?" Isa teases, chuckling. I playfully nudge her to make her stop.

"You can't expect me overnight to wander the halls and forget about his existence" I explain.

"My goal this year is just that... to make you forget. Give me a hug," Isa suggests.

"As you wish," I smile, giving her a hug. I playfully push her away to break the embrace. "Now let's go in."

I take a moment to glance back at my only escape for the next five hours, inhaling a breath of fresh air. Just as I'm about to turn around and enter, I notice a guy standing across the street, his gaze fixed on the high school.

With his dark hair, it's difficult to be certain from this distance, he wears a gray short-sleeved shirt and faded dirty jeans.

"Isa?" I call out, intending to ask if she knows him. But when I turn around to point him out, he's vanished into thin air.

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