1. A Fateful Encounter

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While the lessons hours pass, I try to focus only on the professors. For a couple of classes, I happen to be in a classroom with windows facing the street in front of the high school, and my gaze often falls outside. Occasionally, a few cars pass by and a few people walk by, but I don't see the guy from a few hours ago.
The morning goes by peacefully and quite quickly. After the classes, I meet up with Isa, and we go to the bar where she works.

"By the way, Lara told me during class that Oliver is organizing his birthday party," Isa says as the waiter brings our lunch.

"I bet he'll have a party at the farmhouse, he'll invite the whole school, and there will be alcohol galore," I say, taking a bite of my hamburger. "I love these hamburgers... I don't know what you guys put in them, but they're my favorites in the world."

"We usually put a lot of hate for customers, but only a lot of love for you," she says, smiling. "Lara said that for now, the plan is to have a party at the farmhouse starting in the afternoon, and there will be a swimming pool, but it's still to be confirmed."

"I know... he's been planning this party practically since last year," I reply, remembering our conversations while walking home after training.

"You'll come, right?" she asks, and I place the hamburger on the plate to look at her with a rather meaningful gaze. "Come on! You won't even realize you're at his birthday party," she pleads.

"Maybe to another party?" I ask her.

"Come on, Harp, please," she sighs. "I didn't think I'd have to play this card, but you're forcing me. As your best friend, I'm really worried about you, so to make me feel at ease, you'll go out with me on Saturday and we'll also go to his party."

"You're exaggerating, Isa," I say, laughing. "Come on! Why should you be worried about me?"

"Well... let me think, maybe because one of your friends disappeared in July, in August you practically ran away, and now that you're here, you never go out anymore? Who are you? What have you done to my friend?"

"Can we not mention or allude to Julia? You and my brother are the only ones who keep doing it. You need to stop," I sigh, pushing the plate away. "No one at school today mentioned anything, only you two are fixated on it."

"Maybe it's also the right thing, don't you think?"

"Anyway, in August, I was on vacation with my family, and now I honestly don't feel like going to the birthday party of my ex-best friend and ex-crush," I explain. "It's still me, I'm just tired after everything that happened this summer and last year in general... I just want to have a completely normal and peaceful final year of school."

She shrugs as she continues eating. "It's because you chose to become friends with Julia."

"Isa... enough."

"What do you want? It's the truth!" she says. Thankfully, her boss calls her, and she has to start her shift. "If you didn't want to save every lost kitten you see, maybe you wouldn't have the danger of one of those kittens turning out to be a tiger wanting to devour everyone like Julia did. And I know you don't want to hear it, but it's true... That being said, I'm not suggesting that what happened is your fault."

She gets up and takes our plates. "It would have happened anyway, but not to us," she finishes and then goes to the kitchen after saying goodbye to me.

I grab my backpack and head out to walk home.
Isa started working at the bar as soon as she turned 18, so she could have some money to spend without feeling guilty. Her family is not in particular financial difficulties, but there are four daughters, and she's the eldest, so I think it's a matter of not wanting to ask for more money than is strictly necessary.
My apartment is not particularly close to either the school or the bar, but I enjoy walking and listening to music, so I take a peaceful forty-minute walk.

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