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It has been a while since the incident happened. A lot of students' lives were taken away, but no one knows whose fault it was. Families mourn the loss of their kids, and others are protesting and demanding answers on how a headmaster could let this happen. Then, Jin Kirigirl finally spoke up. He apologized to all the families for their loss, but he said he had a plan on how he would bring their kids back by using AI. He called it the Hope Restore Project. "If the AI can't satisfy their grief, then I will pay them back for all the money they lost," he said. As they gave out their money, the project began. Jin ordered the people to make the AI look realistic and program them to act and be like the real students.

As the first robot was finished, Jin was the first lab rat because the first robot was his son, Kyoko. "Hey there, son. Do you remember me?" Jin said, looking down at the AI robot of his son. Kyoko scanned him, and all Kyoko did was nod. "I do," Kyoko said.

Jin was surprised and happy the project worked. "Now, this could change the future, and no one will ever grieve again," he said.

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