Chapter 1

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"Hi, I'm Makoto Naegi," Makoto introduced herself with a smile. "I was born into the Naegi family with my little brother, Komari. I go to a school for talented students, but I'm not very talented myself. I'm just an average student. However, based on my program, I'm a lucky student," she chuckled.

Komari frowned slightly and patted Makoto's head. "You know you don't always have to introduce yourself. We know who you are," he  said, trying not to tear up.

Makoto scanned Komari, sensing that something was bothering him. "Why so sad, little brother?" she asked, concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing," Komari replied. "Oh, look, your bus is here. You better go."

Makoto scanned the bus and hopped in. Komari watched as the bus drove away, slightly shaken from how creepy Kyoko looked staring out the window.

"Hey, Komari," a voice interrupted his thoughts. It was their mother. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Komari lied, forcing a smile. "Just thinking about something."

Makoto took a seat next to Toko, who was chewing on his pencil. She looked at him and scanned him. "Hello, Toko-kun. Are you okay?" she asked, concerned.

"What would you like to know?" Toko-kun replied harshly after scanning Makoto. "Being here is not fun without the mistress," he added, looking up at the bus.

"Are you really thinking about her?" Kyoko suddenly asked, his voice sending shivers down the bus driver's skin.

Makoto was confused. "Huh? What do you mean, Kyoko-kun?" she asked, looking at Kyoko with a confused expression.

"Why bother thinking about your friend when your only goal is to cheer up your family? Have you ever asked yourself how the real you died and why the school is hiding it from us and our family?" Kyoko said emotionlessly.

The bus driver intervened, "Alright, that's enough for now." He pressed a button, and everyone fell silent, except for Kyoko, who pretended not to hear.

Makoto looked at Kyoko, sensing that she was hiding something. "Kyoko, are you okay?" she asked quietly .

"I'm fine," Kyoko replied, still staring out of the window. "Just thinking about something." He said quietly planning something

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