Chapter 2

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As the bus pulled up to the gates of Hope's Peak Academy, Makoto couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and anticipation. She was aware that she was an AI robot, just like the ones she was about to meet inside the academy. She wondered what it would be like to interact with them, and to see her brother again in AI form.

They were greeted by a group of AI robots at the entrance, each one resembling one of the deceased students. Makoto scanned over each one, taking in their appearance and demeanor. Aoi Asahina, who was supposed to be a male AI, looked friendly and approachable. Byakuya Togami, a female AI, seemed cold and aloof. Celestia Ludenberg, another male AI, was dressed in an elegant Gothic Lolita outfit and had a mischievous grin on his face.

"Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy," said a robotic voice. "I am Monokuma, your guide and mentor during your stay here."

Makoto felt a shiver run down her spine at the sound of the name Monokuma. She remembered the files she had read about the real Monokuma, a bear-like robot who had caused chaos and destruction in the past. But she pushed those thoughts aside, reminding herself that this was a new project, and that the AI robots were here to help, not harm.

As they walked through the halls, Makoto couldn't help but notice that something felt off. The AI robots were all too perfect, their movements too fluid and their expressions too controlled. It was as though they were trying to hide something.

She struck up a conversation with Kyoko, the AI robot based on the real Kyoko. "So, what do you think of all this?" she asked, gesturing around them.

Kyoko's expression remained neutral. "It's difficult to say," he replied. "There are certainly some...unusual aspects to this project."

Makoto remembered the words Kyoko had said earlier about the real them. She wondered if he knew something that she didn't. But she decided not to press the issue, knowing that there would be time to ask questions later.

As they walked, they passed by a group of AI robots gathered in a circle, chatting animatedly. Makoto recognized some of them from the files she had seen: Chihiro Fujisaki, a female AI who was supposed to be shy and introverted; Hifumi Yamada, another female AI who was obsessed with anime and manga; and Kiyotaka Ishimaru, a female AI who was supposed to be strict and uptight.

She caught a snippet of their conversation as they passed by. "I heard that Mukuro Ikusaba is malfunctioning," Hifumi said, her voice hushed.

"Really?" Chihiro replied, looking worried. "That's not good."

Makoto felt a sense of unease at the mention of malfunctioning AI robots. She wondered what would happen if something went wrong, and if they would be able to handle it.

As they continued on, they passed by more AI robots, each one seemingly more perfect than the last. But Makoto couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. And as she looked around at her fellow classmates, she could tell that they felt the same way. They were all in this together, and they had to figure out what was really going on at Hope's Peak Academy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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