The mysterious voice Part 1

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Cameron's POV:

I woke up from the elevator collapsing and saw Jumbo Josh on the ground."is he...dead?" I said to myself. I saw an orange keycard on the ground and picked it up. I looked around and saw a door I scanned the card and entered the door.

After I did that I was on a platform and some weird building? 'why would this be under a kindergarten?' I thought.
Then I looked down to see the void. Then I saw a piece of paper. It said.

This is it.

The things we've done have finally come back to bite us. Everyone's gone, and the whispers from the abyss just keep getting louder. I think I even saw a face or two looking up at me. We were told everything that gets thrown into the abyss dies, but it appears we were tricked. If you're reading this, take my advice and leave. Everything here should be forgotten and erased from history.

Of course I couldn't just leave. I need to find my daughter. I also saw a pink keycard, grabbed it and scanned it to were a moving platform showed up, that leads to some "Testing sector" I couldn't enter it since I don't have the key card for. I went back to where the paper was and saw two buttons that were shaped like arrows.

I pressed the right arrow and the platform started to rotate to the other entrance. The Comm sector. I went in and saw writing on the walls saying "The spider is real" I was afraid of what that meant.

I went up some stairs and saw a pink door, but the keycard scanner didn't work, then I saw another scanner and scanned the keycard. Now I can open the door. I entered and it said "Banban's kindergarten."

Then I heard a ~dingdong~ i jumped at the voice that spoke,"Hey! You there! I-I can see you on the cameras." I was surprised that someone was still here at this time and the person spoke again,"I am so happy to see you, and I need your help with something. Wait... Can you even hear me? Hello? 'yes I could hear you!' I said in my thoughts."Listen, if you can hear what I'm saying, wave at any camera. And so, I waved at the closest camera and he replied,"oh thank god. I am so glad you're here. I thought this was the end." Not gonna lie, his voice is kind hot. WAIT. WHY DID I THINK THAT?!?!!

I felt my face heating up, so I rubbed my face to make it go away. He continued to talk and told me that he was looking around then he walked into the security room and locked himself in there on accident. How did he even managed to do that? Anyways, he also said that it needs a blue keycard, he knows why I'm here and says he can help.

He opened the break room door. And I entered. I saw a birthday cake, some silverware, and a brand new antenna, now I can use my drone.

To be continued....

I got lazy I will do a part 2 do not worry.

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