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"Shhhhhh!" A man said. The woman he was talking to stopped in her tracks. She had stepped on a twig and almost alerted the prince to their location. The prince was walking through the forest, not looking where he was going. "It's almost like he wants to be captured." a small boy whispered with a grin.

They all crept up to the helpless prince. As they were coming up behind him, the first man sneezed. The prince turned around, and the woman, out of desperation, nocked him over the head with a rock. He crumpled on the ground. "Thanks," the man gasped out. "Now what?" The boy walked up to the Prince. "He's alive. You didn't hit him too hard." The woman sighed with rilef. "Good. Lets -" Before she could finish, a snake struck her.

The man screamed, and the little boy ran to her side. The snake was hissing as he got closer. "she's alive! The snake isn't deadly. It will only keep her asleep for three-" the boy was struck next by another snake. The man searched around wildly. "What's happening!? If you want the prince, you can have him! Just leave us alone!" The man ran to the boy and woman's side. The snakes hissed but slid past him as more came from the tall grasses. They dragged the prince away to a tall man in a black cloak.

"No matter how desperate you are for money or food," the mysterious man boomed. "You never resort to kidnapping." The snakes looked at the man and his unconscious friends. "I-I understand! Please, how do I wake them?!" The strange man seemed to soften. He handed the man a vile of yellow liquid. "Give them this and they will wake in a half hour, don't, and they will wake in three hours without their sight" the man started crying "Oh thank you! I am truly sorry for everything, we will never try it again." The cloaked man dropped a few gold coins on the forest floor. "This should last you all a week. If I ever catch you harming anyone without good reason, you will not be so lucky." The man picked up the prince and walked away, his snakes following.

A/N: I'm only going to post the prolouges for now, but the first chapter will be up on the first of November (national authors day) and I'm not to sure when the rest is being published

A Diceatfull RomanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ