Chapter Three: Greater Bialya

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Greater Bialya, 3/22/23, 4:05 AM

Lionel Luthor breathed in deeply as he gazed at the research site. He clenched his fist around the metal railing he leaned over watching the researchers and archaeologists working amidst a massive crater. He smiled as he watched, he glanced over his shoulder as his personal assistant, Mercy Graves, walked up behind him with a tablet in hand.

"Sir, we have news from our associates." She said walking up behind him, "They were ambushed in orbit, but they managed to deliver the package nearby. It is quite large though."

"Good." Luthor nodded turning around, "I'm assuming our justice friends dealt with them?"

"Yessir." Mercy nodded back.

"Good good. I didn't want them to remain a factor for the sake of our plans." Luthor nodded walking now through a pair of doors into a larger laboratory filled with artifacts from the crater, "We must retrieve it at once. Inform Cross and have him head to the area immediately." 

"It will be done." Mercy walked through a pair of doors at the other side of the lab and Luthor walked over to a desk where a man was working.

"Tell me Professor Ojo, how goes our progress?" The man looked up, instead of eyes, he had one massive red orb in the center of his face where his eye brows parted. The man smiled as Luthor approached and excitedly giggled.

"Oh Mr. Luthor sir, we have made great progress! When you recruited me for this project three years ago I could never have imagined the sort of things we have discovered! I believe these remains are so ancient that they pre-date most ancient civilizations known to man! We know for sure they are alien, but we are not aware of any species that match this sort of technology. If only we could power it..."

"Don't worry about that dear friend." Luthor smiled putting his hand on Ojo's shoulder, "We will soon have a power source capable of powering these devices, and then we will truly make great discoveries. But-" He tightened his grip on Ojo's shoulder, he could feel him growing tenser and nervous as Luthor gazed, almost glared, into his eyes, "-make sure you remember our ultimate goal here."

Ojo nodded fast repeatedly, "Yessir, I have not forgotten. I will return to work immediately, but that is fantastic news!"

"Good." Luthor smiled loosening his grip and letting go of Ojo, "Keep on alert for when the device arrives."

Luthor walked past heading to his personal office. He shut the door and moved to his desk where he was receiving a hologram message. He put his hand on the console answering the call. 

"Ah, Queen Bee! How may I be of service?" He smiled as Queen Bee appeared before him, her long hair drifted down her shoulders and her eyes pierced him even through the hologram.

"Lionel, I have just received word of something crashing from the atmosphere in the desert. Should I be sending my Infinity Incorporated after it?" She said with a stern tone.

"Absolutely not!" Luthor shook his head, "All a part of the plan my dear! That is simply an invaluable piece of technology needed for our operations here."

"You better not be up to anything, Luthor. I knew your son and if I knew anything about him then I know that your family is filled with scoundrels."

"Oh please, your elegance." He bowed his head, "I am not intending on harming you or your kingdom whatsoever. Remember our deal?"

"Of course I do." Queen Bee nodded back with a sigh, "I will keep you here safe and hidden from the Justice League and the UNE so long as you provide me with some of the technology you are discovering in order to safeguard Greater Bialya from outside hands."

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