Chapter Six: New Metropolis

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Gotham, 3/25/23, 2:38 PM

The day shift in Gotham never really enticed Batwoman, she preferred the dark. She stood on the rooftop looking over the city that never dies. Gotham. It had survived through countless disasters, having been rebuilt over and over from terrorist attacks to supervillain strikes, the city had seen its fair share of death. Kate watched over the city now that Batman was gone. She turned around as her comrade, Captain Comet landed next to her.

"You see anything?" He asked walking over holding a protein bar as he munched on it, she shrugged and shook her head in silence"Oh Kate, for how long we've been working side-by-side you still don't like talking to me much, do you?"

Kate smirked and performed another shrug in silence. Captain Comet smirked, his real name was Adam Blake, a real talker. 

"Thats okay, I'll keep the air full." He chuckled biting into the protein bar again. Batwoman smiled looking down at her police tracker, Adam and her had joined the League at the same time and were often partnered together on patrols. Kate swiped through the police scanners until suddenly alerts began popping up. A break in at city hall.

"We've got a hit! City Hall!" Kate yelled taking off with her grappling hook, "Beat you there!"

"You wish!" Adam smirked at her taking off into the sky. He would arrive far before her, but Kate enjoyed motivating him with her powerless self. She swung through the sky watching below as police cars zoomed through the streets towards city center. The streets of Gotham may have been rebuilt, but they looked largely the same as they did before, empty and filled with fear. She swung onto a rooftop overlooking city hall and took out her binoculars watching as a group of armed men stood on the rooftop of city hall with snipers and rifles. Inside, she saw through the windows more men on the inside, tapping into police channels, Kate began hearing what was going on, known criminal Anarky and his gang had broken in and taken the mayor hostage. Captain Comet landed next to Kate as she stood up.

"Anarky has the mayor. I'll go low, you go in high."

Captain Comet nodded with a grin and took off to the roof hitting four men at once with his punch, knocking them all back in a line. Kate leaped off the rooftop spreading her cape to act as a kite behind her. She flew through the air crashing through the front windows on city hall. She flew into the room tackling one man down and quickly moving a taser to his neck rendering him unconscious. She looked up as two more men raised rifles at her and she threw out two knives striking them both in the neck knocking them down dead. 

That was one thing, Kate didn't have much of a conscious anymore. She had grown up in a military family, eventually her father Jacob Kane, began working for ARGUS. His boss was Amanda Waller in that time, and her teachings rubbed off a bit too much on her father. Jacob Kane was a ruthless man that Kate disassociated with a long time ago, but he still tried to contact her. Her mother had died when she was very young and all she had known was life with her father, so a part of her missed him, but she kept it sustained. Her father trained her in firearms, self defense, tai kwon doe, karate, jujutsu, krav maga, and more techniques, and he drilled into her the importance of ending an enemy's life.

Kate raised a pistol from her side as she moved into the hallway. Looking to her right, she saw only a window, while the hallway extended down the left towards a set of stairs. There were five men moving down the stairs now to investigate the noise of the window shattering. Kate took out a small smoke bomb with her right hand and rolled it down the hall, she followed it with two more. After ten seconds, the stairwell was filled with smoke and Kate unloaded her clip into it. She quickly ran forward, reloading her pistol as she moved through the smoke and turned on her heat-vision goggles. Three men were on the ground, the other two were hiding on both sides of the stairs. She raised the pistol firing again, one down, but the second rushed her location. She quickly side-stepped as the goon rushed her and tripped him into the wall and the force of the fall knocked him unconscious. Kate rushed upstairs and raised three shuriken as she reached the top, four more men. Kate launched the small blades their way and hit two in the chest and neck. The one hit in the neck fell to his knees as blood poured from his throat. The one with the shuriken in his chest lunged at Kate grabbing her shoulders, but Kate quickly drew her taser and shocked the man on the bottom of his jaw. She forced him to his knees and kicked him down as the other two men ran at her. She raised the taser and shot out the front sending it flying at the first goon, shocking him upon impact. He stood paralyzed as the electricity rushed through him. Kate turned as the second ran past him and stood as he threw a punch at her. She quickly tilted her body parallel to his arm and pulled him with such strength that she flipped him over. Kate lowered her hand to her knife blade and unsheathed it, driving the blade into the back of the man's skull. She stood up as the man hit by the taser fell to a knee. She drove the blade into his neck pushing his body down as it went limp. 

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