The Letter

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Conner James rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He wasn't exactly sure the letter was meant for him, but he was curious enough to reply.

The letter itself was really more of a demand, typed in a professional manner on thick fancy paper. It was as follows.

Dear Conner James Marvelo,

You are seen as a danger to humankind. It is at the mandatory request of the government that you are immediately detained to protect yourself and others.

It wasn't signed. Conner couldn't believe he was a danger to anybody. At fourteen, he was skinny with ashy blonde hair and brown eyes. He had an upturned nose like an elf and a mouth that was permanently stuck in an almost- smile. The only relatively unusual thing about him was his uncanny ability to break any lock, but that was hardly the thing the government took an interest in.

Conner pulled out a slightly rumpled sheet of notebook paper to reply to the mysterious letter. He wasn't sure how to explain that they had confused him, Conner James, with a Conner James Marvelo. He started to chew on his pen in frustration when the door broke down.

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