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LR continued to talk, but Conner tuned out. He was going to live here now. He wasn't exactly upset about that since there really wasn't much at home to miss. His great aunt, a very fat woman with a fondness for small dogs, probably wouldn't notice he was gone and he didn't have many friends to speak of. But a secret government facility was hardly any better.

"We're here." LR stopped at a metal door identical to all the others lining the hall. He knocked quietly before pushing the door open.

The room itself was minimalist. There was a small cot in the corner and a dresser with a mirror hanging over it, but that was all. A girl probably one or two years older than Conner sat in the corner, knees drawn up to her chest. A large black woman with a kind face crouched next to her.

The woman glanced at LR and flashed a gap toothed smile at them. "You're here to visit Miss Naomi. I'll leave you to it then." The woman stood, brushing off her already clean scrubs before waddling out of the room.

"Hey, Naomi." LR flopped down next to her. She raised her head in acknowledgement. "That's Conner," he said, pointing. Naomi smiled, but still didn't say anything.

Naomi was stunning with large brown eyes that dominated most of her heart shaped face, but she had furry ears on the top of her head like an anime character.

"Hey," squeaked Conner, sounding more like LR than himself. Naomi waved.

"She's mute," LR explained, "Or maybe she has something against squeaky guys. I haven't figured it out yet." Naomi swatted his arm, but she was silently laughing, revealing fangs. Conner shuttered involuntarily.

"Hey Conner!"


"I've been...never mind. Are you ready to go?" LR was watching Conner closely.

"Yeah, sure. Whenever," said Conner, nodding too enthusiastically.

"Kay...Bye Naomi."

Naomi nodded, but her dark eyes were trained on Conner.

"Um...bye then."

LR escorted Conner out and almost immediately they were joined by the same body guards.

"So you'll meet Harley tomorrow and we'll just show you to your room since it's been kinda a long day. Your room's across from mine."

"Cool," said Conner, only half listening.

He trudged after LR in stony silence, unsure of what to think about the pretty mute girl and the irritating rat boy.

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