The Monster called Avis

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A loud bang came from the left side of the corridor. Jumping half a foot in the air, Conner rounded on LR.

"What the hell was that?"

Looking mildly uncomfortable for the first time, LR muttered, "That? That's nothing."

There was another bang, the sound of something-or someone- hitting metal, but this time it was accompanied by a loud shriek.

"That's nothing!?"

LR shrugged. More screams came from the room. Conner began to hyperventilate.


With a slight sigh, LR confessed.

"That's just Avis. It does that all the time."


"Well I've never actually seen Avis. No one except top scientists have. But I do know-"

A deep voice cut in. "That's enough, son." It was one of the guards; Conner had almost forgotten they were there.

"He doesn't need to know anymore other than Avis is dangerous."

Even though Conner couldn't see the man's eyes because of the reflective sunglasses, he got the feeling that he was being glared at.

LR cleared his throat. "Avis is a rescue too, like Naomi," he said this all in a rush as if he was afraid that he'd be punished.

Conner couldn't comprehend how the shrieking monster behind metal doors was anything like the mute jackal girl he had met earlier, but he only nodded and continued to walk.

Avis let out a final haunting scream, but Conner didn't turn around. He did, however, wonder what type of creature made that noise and was determined to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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