Chapter 18

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"Everyone! I have bought all the ingredients we need. So right now I should go to Irish's house" Simon said in front of his camera while showing the reusable bag that contains the ingredients he bought "Time check… It's 6:45 in the morning. I should get going so that we can eat breakfast early" he added and hurriedly went to his car after pausing the camera.

Today both of them are free since it's their day off. In Bavin entertainment, their artists would have a 3-day straight day off every month. They are allowed to do everything they want to do on their day off, as long as they still follow the rules of the company to avoid conflicts. Fortunately, the company gave the two of them the same days off, so that they can have time together. 

Last night, Simon called Irish to ask her if she wants to join him on his vlog. The young lady agreed, and helped Simon to think of an idea for their content.

Since Irish went home last night, Simon has to go to Irish's place to film their content. It's not really necessary for Simon to visit Irish's house to film a content, but the boy insisted. 

Irish bought her house two months ago. It is located in a village near the building's company, and all of the people living there are influential individuals. Thus, traveling from the building's company to going home is not a hassle.

Upon arriving at his fiance's house, Simon turned on his camera, and walked for at least five minutes before arriving at the front door of the house.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" Simon knocked on the door while saying the word knock knock. After a while, the lady opened door and greeted her fiance before saying hi to the camera

"How's your sleep?" Simon asked

"It's good. I managed to take a rest after doing my project. How about you?" Irish asked him back while unpacking the ingredients

"I manage to take a rest too! Though, I had a hard time sleeping because of excitement" he giggled. Simon set up the camera at a place where it has a good angle. They then proceeded to cooking their breakfast

"After how many years, I can finally eat adobo again" Simon faked a tear. Irish chuckled at him as she shook her head. There is really no day that Simon will not be dramatic when they are together

The two of them started to cook adobo, a Filipino dish. Irish assigned the young man a task for him to perform. Since she's better at cooking and knows more about adobo dishes, she leads the cooking show while Simon is assisting her. The young man is actually a good cook and is familiar with the dishes too. The thing is, he is clumsy. He keeps exchanging salt and sugar, breaking things, cutting himself, burning the food, and almost burns the whole place once.

While cooking, everyone could see how they complement each other's movements. They are so in sync and so satisfying to watch. The two of them even seem to forget that they are filming for content as you could see that they never pay attention to the camera at all. Not even a glimpse or a word for the viewers.

Not so long, the adobo is finally done. Simon immediately set up the table and went to irish to help her bring the food. After putting the food on the table, Irish poured coca-cola to their glasses, they then cheered and started eating. 

The breakfast went well. They also turned off the camera after saying their temporary farewell, so that they can have conversation safely. Although, they can just edit it, prevention is still better (than cure (⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠))

After eating their breakfast, Simon insisted on washing the dishes so that Irish could take a bath. The two of them planned to have a date later at 6:00 p.m.. They might also eat dinner in a restaurant for additional moments. For now, they decided to pass the time by watching some movies or playing games like they used to do when they were kids. Simon prepared the living room. After he sat on the sofa, Irish came and joined him.

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