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Catherine and Elizabeth's laughter could have been heard throughout any part of the Black Pearl that night. The pair made up from lost time together. Sharing stories they weren't present for, revisiting old memories they were. It was mutual agreement that tonight was not going to consist of any current problems: no chests, no keys, and no Davy Jones.

They lounged around the table in the room Catherine's shared with Jack, curled up in cozy chairs while passing back and forth a bottle of quite large bottle of rum.

Catherine could not ever recall a time she had ever seen Elizabeth so at ease. The two women grew up in a society that frowned upon women who had loud laughter and would drink for fun. Even in their privacy they never once were this way. It felt good. It felt right. Being able to slouch and drink with another felt right to Catherine. Maybe piracy was always the life she belonged.

As their laughter died down, Elizabeth swirled around the dark liquor in the bottle, slouching even lower in her chair. "I still can't believe you and Jack are married," She spoke, staring at the wooden tabletop. Even though she was laughing, there was a hidden sadness in her face. Catherine knew Elizabeth longed to be married to Will.

Flicking her brows up then down, Catherine let out a scoff that was partially amusing, hoping to make her cousin laugh. "Most of the days I can't believe it either," She replied. The alcohol was definitely making her feel warm and giggly. Indeed a giggle did slip out. "But I do love him, you know." She looked up at her cousin, a genuine smile on her lips.

Seeing her smile made Elizabeth smile in turn. "I don't doubt it. He loves you very much. I may not have been around you both much, but I can see it in what little I have." She fiddled with the bottle for a moment. "You are happy then I take?" The question came after a moment of silence.

Catherine didn't even have to think. "I am," She whispered. "I'm the happiest I have ever been in my life." Tears stung in her eyes as she smile softly.

Sitting up, Elizabeth cooed at the sweet reaction. "Oh, Catherine." She reached out to hold her cousin's hand. "I am so happy for you. Truly. You deserve all the happiness in the world. A life that you want."

They squeezed each other's hand.

"Thank you, cousin," Catherine replied, sniffing. She gave her one last squeeze before pulling away to wipe her cheeks.

Elizabeth passed the bottle across the table. The rim met Catherine's lips eagerly. She drank while Elizabeth spoke again: "Would you like to hear something interesting?" A little wicked expression grew on her face the moment she began to speak.

Placing the bottle down, Catherine smirked. "Always. Have you not met me?" She had her legs curled up on her chair, holding up her elbow. She wiggled her chin she balanced in her curled fingers, a her smirk growing more devious. "Is it something about you?"

"No, it's about you." Elizabeth bit her bottom lip, trying to contain her grin.

"About me?" Catherine perked up the slightest bit.

Elizabeth nodded. Adjusting herself in her seat, she turned to face Catherine, reaching out to grab the bottle from her grasp. "Theodore Groves was asking about you a few weeks before I set out after Will."

Catherine forced out a snort, trying to hide how surprised she was by her cousin's words. "What did he have to say about me, cousin?" She tried playing it off cool.

A giggle came from Elizabeth, who now curled up in her own seat. "Oh, he was asking how you were doing, if you were going to be returning home any time soon. Whether or not if you were still sailing with Jack Sparrow." A playful smile rested on her lips as she tapped the rim of the bottle against them.

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