Chapter 1

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Walking along the airport floor, I pulled out my phone to text my sisters.

Dear Bora and Yerin,
I can't believe Operation Base is actually happening!
And by the way Bora, I know you still don't believe me but this isn't all about a boy. I actually wanted to go there to connect with mum more.. so this is for me

XO, Yereum

I sat down on a chair and hit send with a satisfactory smile.


I looked next to the girl who seemed to be awed over a guy. My eyes followed the girl's gaze and I saw a tall, blonde guy slinging his bag over his shoulder.

He was walking towards my direction and took off his sunglasses, as if he was in some sort of kdrama.

I just shrugged and looked down but felt his bag hit against my shoulder.

Grunting, I turned around to face the man. "Uhm. Excuse me?"

He turned to me without saying a word. As I was going to say something my eyes landed on his badge that read BASE.

"Wait.. do you go to Seoul Base High?"

I pointed to myself, smiling widely, "I'm going there as well"

He raised his eyebrow and leaned down, "No English".

Then he turned around, walking away.

I scoffed while leaning back to my seat, "Hope I never see him again"

+         +          +

My footsteps stopped as the red light started flashing in front of me. I was officially in Seoul now. For the first time in my life.

Was I nervous?


Am I lost?


It hasn't even been a day since I've been to Seoul and I already don't have a good feeling about this day.

The lights turned green and I pushed my luggage while crossing the road.

Just as I thought nothing could get any worse I felt the luggage crash into my legs, making me lose balance and fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?! Do you need help?!"

I pushed myself off the floor, squinting my eyes to get a better vision of the person in front of me.

She was a girl in a pony tail, wearing a denim jacket and skirt. Someone that looks like her driver seems to be looking at me with concern.

From the looks of it... she seems rich. This can be my chance.

"Can you give me a ride?"

The girl let out a small laugh in relief, "Sure. I'll give you a ride" 

She pushed herself up and lent out her hand which I took immediately.

I needed all the help I can get.

Opening the door to her car I went in, slamming the door behind me as I scanned the area.

Wow... it must be really nice to have your own personal driver around

"So, where to you need to go?"

I grabbed the seatbelt, pulling it down to click onto the other end.

"I just need to go to Seoul Base High"

The girl leaned back, and seemed to be in disbelief, "No way"

I tilted my head as she placed her hands elegantly on the chest.

"That's where we were heading right now"

My eyes widened from the news, "You go there too?"

She nodded and I smiled widely. I guess Zhanghao wouldn't be the only person I know from Seoul Base High.

"So, how did you get into Seoul Base High? Are your parents diplomats?"

I shook my head, "I actually got a full time scholarship here. So, I came alone"

"Ahh~ Well there are tonnes of American students in this school so you'll totally feel at home. Hell, half of the school is filled with foreigners"

"I'm actually half korean myself"

Her eyes widened as she nodded, "Ahh, interesting. Then do you have relatives in Korea?"

"Nope. I just have my boyfriend"

She raised her eyebrows and I continued, "He actually attends the Seoul Base High as well. But he doesn't know that I'm coming today"

"Why so?"

"I wanted to surprise him. We had a long distance relationship, and this is the first time I'm going to meet him after meeting him in Seoul three years ago"

"You must be excited"


I tilted my head forward, facing her, "Say I didn't get your name. My name is Yereum"


Just then, Bomi's phone started to ring. I couldn't help but glance at her phone and it seemed like her mum was calling her.

My eyes slowly went back towards her face which seemed annoyed by the call. She immediately shut her phone and placed it down, with the back facing towards the ceiling.

Pretending I didn't see anything I faced the window, "So... are you meeting anyone?"

I could feel her gaze towards me so I looked back to her. She avoided eye contact with me and looked down while fiddling with her phone.

"Yeah... I've been seeing someone this summer but it's nothing serious"

"Why so?"

"It's just complicated"

I guess she doesn't want to talk about it.

I nodded and faced the window again to admire the view. 

As the car drove I could see the school building get closer and closer to me.

I can't believe I'm almost there... 

I'm finally going to be an official student at Seoul Base High!

XO, ZB1 || Zhanghao & RickyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang