Twilight Oc's 2, and 3

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Key- Bold Giovanni and Italics Carlo both underlined

Name| Carlo and Giovanni

Nicknames| Gio (Giovanni)

Age| 17 when changed (Carlo) 22 when changed (Giovanni)
Vampire age- 329 when the Volturi go to meet the Cullens

Birthday| March 12th

Gender| Males

Species| Vampires

Sexuality| Straight and Gay

Personality| Carlo is the shyer one of the two, he's always calm and collected to keep his twin mainly under control or not to lash out with the anger issues. Carlo was always more observant and cautious to the things going on around him, meaning he was an amazing listener and could easily spot something wrong or that was about to go wrong.
Giovanni on the other hand was the more rambunctious one of the two. He would always dive headfirst into trouble, or he would be the one to start it. He had a temper that only his brother can calm until they meet their mates. Gio is also more protective and fiercer, when need be, when it comes to his brother or his lover. Hes not that great of a listener but hell nod or say something to make anyone feel better. Murder? Hell hed probably join he loved causing agony to people.

Mental issues| Carlo has a form of anxiety

Looks| Carlo⬇️

Looks| Carlo⬇️

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Giovanni ⬇️

Tattoos| None

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Tattoos| None

Piercings| None

Scars| Carlo has scars across his entire body from where the sharp stones had hit him

Outfits| On Pinterest

Special abilities| Carlo has the ability to make himself and someone hes touching Invisible Giovanni had the ability Cryokinesis which is ice manipulation

Strengths| His ability invisibility, being the quiet/observant one, and his empathic skills (Not ability just a intuition thing)
His outgoing temperament, his ability to change the rain to ice, and his bullheadedness

Weaknesses| Carlo can only have himself and one other person invisible for about 10 minutes at a time and has to recharge by feeding or going from three days at a time before being able to use it again, His family, and his lover
Giovanni can only change the air into ice he is not able to manipulate blood or any bodily fluids, including vampire venom was another thing he is not able to manipulate at all, His brother, and his lover

Hobbies| Reading, dancing and painting
Fighting, reading, and making thing by hand

Likes| Painting, writing, his lover, human blood, and Dancing
Protecting whats his, his twin, his lover, hunting humans for fun, and being able to make random objects.

Dislikes| Being threatened, homophobes, his brother being an ass, not finding his lover, and animal blood
Not starting any conflict, being left out, animal blood, not feeding daily, and his lover being upset.

Best friends| Each other

Friends| The volturi and the guards and the kings wives they both since they owe them their lives

Enemies| The Cullens

Family| Each other

Other relatives| Deceased

City/town birth city| Venice

Languages spoken| Italian and English

Native language| Italian

Love interests| Jane and Alec

Relationship status| Single for both

Backstory| When Carlo and Giovanni were born they were a defendant surprise to their parents. Live twin births around the late 1600's were rare even rarer for both twins and their mother to survive it. Carlo was the first born of the two him being the strongest twin. He waited to start crying scaring the midwives and their mother. When Giovanni was born a couple of hours after Carlo the moment, he started crying the cries of the twins filled the room bringing relief to both of the parents. Through the years of them growing up they were always so close, eventually both of them went to different occupations. Giovanni went in as a blacksmith the moment he turned 14 and Carlo went for artist. Over the years they turned out amazing at their jobs. When Carlo discovered he was the gay twin he tried to hide it. With the brothers being close of course he told Giovanni who kept the secret. When the boys turned 17 the secret got out about Carlo having a secret relationship with one of the other guys he was working with. As punishment Carlo was stoned to "death". They stoned him until Carlo fell unconsciousness. Thankfully after everyone left he finally regained consciousness but barely. Carlo was awake enough to see a figure over him. His words before he felt the pain of the bite was to not let him die. When he came to the woman who had changed him was Sulpicia. She was Aro's wife meaning he owed his life to a woman but he didn't mind it. Over the next 5 years Giovanni's mental state had deteriorated horribly without his twin. At the age of 22 Giovanni went to a cliffside and was ready to jump off before a woman appeared next to him and she introduced herself as Athenodora, and that she could change him, take him to his brother. Giovanni happily accepted needing to see his twin again. To become inseparable once again. The moment he felt the bite and the pain he blacked out. When he woke up he was reunited with Carlo, both males happy to see each other again. Carlo was the one who taught Giovanni how to hunt and control his thirst. They became the "Assassin brothers" Of the Volturi guard.

Smoker| No
Drinker| No
Recreational drug user| No
omnivore/carnivore/herbivore| N/A they drink blood
Favorite food| None they cant eat
Favorite drink| Human blood
Disliked food| Human food
Dislikes drink| Animal blood
Favorite color| Giovanni likes the color Red, Carlo likes the color green
Scent| Giovanni has more of a musky scent while Carlo has more of an earthy scent to him
House| they live with the Volturi
Car| None

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