Chapter 4

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"Do the first move."

Those words rang into her ears the entire day.


Rin scowled in frustration as she furiously scribbled her journal page.

"UGH, I HATE THIS," she cried out, slamming her pen on the table.

...Fine then.


Rin stood outside the classroom door, waiting for Naiko to arrive. She clutched the neatly folded hoodie in arms and took a deep breath. She then saw him and eagerly waved.

Naiko widened his eyes in surprise and walked over to her.

"Naiko-kun! I'm returning your hoodie. I washed it and everything, I'm sure I used the right detergent cause I read the tags-"


Oh, I was rambling again...

"I'm returning your jacket." she smiled. " I washed it and everything."

"Oh, uh, thanks, but-" Naiko blinked, then shook his head and plastered a smile on his face.

"You can keep the hoodie, I don't mind."

"E-eh?" Rin blinked in surprise.

"It's already way too worn out for me, it fits you more."

Rin could feel the heat rising up her face.

"So, I can keep it?"

Naiko nodded.

"Thanks," she muttered.

Naiko smiled softly at her blushing face. Cute.

"Um, I should probably just confirm something." Rin looked up, confused.

"I don't like Etsuko-san, so I hope that clears up the misunderstanding."

"I know, I was joking around when I said I will tell Etsuko-chan."

"Arata's lying, I don't like anyone," Naiko lied.

Rin's smile faltered slightly, but fixed it immediately.

"But you were blushing like crazy when Arata was going to say who you like," Rin joked.

Naiko bit his lip and fought hard to contain his blush.

"Okay, maybe I do have a crush."

Rin smiled mischievously at him.

"Your secret is safe with me." Rin gave him a quick hug before dashing back inside the classroom.

Naiko froze before covering his face with his hand. ...I won't be able to get rid of these feelings.


"Do you guys want to go camping?"


"Yeah!" Hiroko handed Aimi a flyer. "Me, Megumi and Chiharu- Oh wait, Michiko too, were thinking of inviting the entire class to a camping trip to Moya Heiwa Forest. What do you think?"

"Even the guys?"

"Yeah, I feel like it would be more fun that way, maybe than Etsuko can stargaze with Naiko-san~"

"I don't like him like that!" Etsuko exclaimed.

"Sure, whatever floats in your boat," Megumi smirked.

Rin gritted her teeth, desperately trying to calm herself down.

"So, what do you think?" Chiharu smiled at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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