Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to all of my fans! :)

I tap my pen against my desk and stare at my blank sheet of notebook paper. Dammit, why is it always so hard to come up with a new skit idea? I certainly haven't used all of the possible ideas, right?

Sighing, I take out my notebook of ideas. Nothing. I search through the notes on my phone and all of my emails.

No, no, no.

I throw my phone onto my bed in frustration/

Where is my muse when I need it?

All of a sudden, I hear an angelic voice start to sing.

"Think of me,

Think of me fondly

When we've said goodbye

Remember me

Every so often

Please promise me you'll try

On that day,

That not so distant day

When you are far away and free

If you ever find a momentStop and think of me."

Wow, that voice. It's so beautiful!

I stop for a moment and start frantically writing. A script flows out onto the page.

My Angel Of Music (A Shane Dawson Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now