Never Twice

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I'll say this to you once
So listen carefully

You soothe my soul, my worries, my anxiety
Talking to you made me learn more about you
Those little perfect imperfections i observe from you
You call it ugly, annoying, the worst of yourself, but all i see are glass pieces of different sizes that completes a mosaic art

My great friend who lightens up those heavy feeling i have in my chest
The person i care for
The one weakness i have
You broke my heart without realizing it

Degrading yourself because of a few selfish words from the one you love
It broke me to the point that i realized i shouldn't have treated you like a friend
It was too late for me to notice that the love i formed for you isn't that for a friend as it was of something more

Now im too late
Now i have to keep quiet of this love
I don't want to be in your way with your lover
But i won't be able to support you any longer
As much as i love you
Being by your side will bear no sweet fruit
I have to let go and heal

We will meet again one of these days
Right now, you hear this, it won't give you much of an impact i suppose
As you never needed me as much i did to you

These are my words
I've said it once
Never twice
Thank you for being my friend and solace

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