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at night, kirby sobs and sobs until she passes out and its been like that for two weeks now, why?, because charlie is no longer living anymore. hes dead. everytime kirby wakes up shes excited to see charlie or text him to bother him until she remembers charlies death,

him getting shot in the head, his body dropping on richies, the blood splattering on her, jill passing out due to it, her being stuck in shock to go help jill or richie, rushing to charlies body, every detail. if you asked her about it she would pour out all the details and sob.

tonight was different, kirby and charlie had made plans to go to new york this weekend and they were supposed to leave tonight. she sobbed thinking at all the memories they couldve made, her sobbing was louder then usual and it alarmed the girl next door, jill.
a knock at the door startled kirby and she sat up, and started to wipe her tears with her sleeves quickly while saying "come in!" and trying not to keep crying. jill walked in and looked at the blonde in front of her, "kirby?" "what?" "are you okay?" "im fine."
jill sat on her bed and wrapped a arm around her, pulling her into a sidehug. "i know your not, whats wrong?" kirby just decided to let it all out, "its just me and charlie was supposed to go to new york this weekend and we were gonna go to this nice place and.. and.. and." she broke down into sobs while speaking, turning slightly and sobbing into jills shoulder as jill kept hugging her tightly and rubbing her back, "its okay.." the brunette whispered assuringly.

"charlie wouldnt want you to cry.. he would want you to be smiling and kicking ass right now, if you want.. we can go out and practice shooting?.." jill said unsure of what advice to give as shes never been through this.. "i would like that.." kirby said barely audible due to her face being in jills shoulder, jill just sat there trying to comfort her friend with physical touch.

after a while jill felt kirbys breathing become slower and the sounds of her sobs were gone, she didnt wanna leave kirby alone so she gently laid the girl down and laid next to her, falling asleep as well hoping things can get better for her best friend.

a/n - im sorry this is so short i just needed to get smth out, im working on like a few other books so ya, but expect more jill and kirby, not a lot but some more😋😋

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