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It's another long walk to the monastery, but we get there by the next morning.

"So, will you do it?" I ask Arngeir.

"Ali, you don't understand. Men of violence in the place of peace?" He says.

"That's exactly how it'll work! They'll both respect the monastery, and if they don't, I will shove them both off the mountain. Please, Arngeir, it's the only way to get to my father." I plead.

Wulfgar speaks, shaking the ground as he does, "You know the right thing."

Arngeir eyes him before looking back at Ragnar and I, "Okay. Speak to the opposing sides, they will meet here soon."

With that, we head back down the mountain, making way for Windhelm. We set up camp on the river near Ivarstead.

"Can't believe that soon this will all be over." Ragnar says as we eat around the fire.

"I can't, either." I say.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He asks.

"Yes. My father is the most evil being to ever roam the skies. His time has come." I say.

"So, what about him should I know? His origins, how he got to Sovngarde... anything?" He asks.

"Well. He's the firstborn of Akatosh. Some believe he is Akatosh, but he's not. Paarthurnax is his younger brother. Once, they ruled over humanity in the Dragon Cult days. They ruled together from the skies. That's why Delphine wanted him dead. As for the Sovngarde part? No, I don't know. Though, it might have something to do with how he got sent forward in time with the Elder Scroll." I say.

"So, does that make him a God, then? Both of them?" Ragnar asks.

"No... well, no, technically. Alduin was the firstborn, so he is technically a God. Paarthurnax... well. Let's just say he was a cruel leader in his day, and I honestly don't know if he has the same abilities that his brother does." I chew my lip.

"What do you mean by that?" He narrows his eyes.

"Do you know how Dov got their names?" I ask him.

"Not really." He says.

"Well, I'll start with mine. My Dovah name, not my nickname, is Nahlaasediinah. Tongue twister, I know, which is why I go by Ali. Anyway, my name means Alive Fire Hunter. I didn't choose this name, nor did my parents. Names are given by reputation. For example, I'm alive. Or mortal, as the Dov put it. Fire, because of the 'fire within me'. Hunter, because I'm an expert tracker. I hunt. Is this all making sense?" I ask.

Ragnar nods, paying close attention, "Yes. Nahlaas means alive, ediin means Fire, and ah means Hunter."

"Good. Okay. Here's another one. That one you learned from Esbern? Odahviing? His name is Snow Winged Hunter, or Snow Hunter Wing, but you already knew that. Now, Alduin is different. His name came from a prophecy, the one we already know about. His name means World Eater." I look up to make sure he's understanding.

He nods, "So... Paarthurnax?"

"Right, one thing at a time. You're also named from that Prophecy, but it can also be a reputation. Dovahkiin. Kin of Dovah. You have dragon blood. Now, before I get into Paarthurnax, if you couldn't tell by my explanations, words are everything to the Dov. If you see two dragons fighting? They're talking. Words have power. Names are important. It gives you status, reputation, and respect. Paarthurnax, Ambition Overlord Cruelty."

"So... he was a cruel leader?" Ragnar asks.

"Yes. Alduin ruled like a King. Never did anything himself unless his attention was needed. Paarthurnax was the one doing everything. He killed thousands. Now, he regrets that time in his life, because he was also under Alduin's rule." I explain.

"That's actually... sad." Ragnar says.

I nod, "Why do you think he resorted to peace, after all of that?"

"This might sound stupid..." he laughs, "What is Akatosh's name, then? If Alduin is his first born, his name must mean something like the dragons."

"It's not stupid," I laugh, "He is the Dragon God of Time. But, since all of our lineage traces back to him, we call him Bormahu. Which means, 'Our Father.' Though, him being the God of Time might explain why we're not affected with time."

"We? You mean you and the other dragons?" He asks.

I nod, "I notice it, of course. I'm only half dragon. I don't age as quickly as mortals, though."

"So how old are you?" He asks.


A/N: I went deep into dragon lore with this chapter and the next. If I have anything wrong, I might have done it on purpose to fit the story, but I might have messed up a few things on accident. Also, I'm not great figuring out dragon names, so yes, Nahlaasediinah is a massive tongue twister, but I did my best. I would have used Joore, for mortal, instead of alive, but for plot reasons I couldn't.

For anyone confused, her nickname, Ali, isn't actually because Alduin is her dad, it came from Alive, the first word in her real name. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying this. This chapter and forward took me weeks to research lore for. Many podcasts, a lot of memorizing the Dovahzul Dictonary, many articles on UESP and Elder Scrolls Fandom later, I finally finished my story.

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