Benduell Church

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"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." The onlookers in the court rows of the chapel closed their holy books and put their hands together. I put down mines on the altar and placed my palms together. Interlocking my fingers.

"Father, I thank you for your wonderful presence. May your word be planted deep into my spirit. Help me not to be a forgetful hearer but a doer of your word. Also help me meditate on your word and so build my life on the rock of your truth. I shall be like a tree by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf shall not wither, and whatever I put my hands on shall prosper. In Jesus' name, Amen." I deeply sighed from the innards of my chest. Folks grabbed their holy books and left the chapel with fulfillment.

From in the corner of the stage, pope Orion walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "You always do so well at the readings, sister. I look forward to the next one." I sweat nervously under his grace. Bright and peaceful, that's what his aura felt like. As if there was a glowing halo from behind his head.

"Why thank you! I stay up practicing them in the library." I say proudly. Though the time I spend practicing rehearsing the readings isn't my decision. The library is my favorite place, i would be too guilty to use my time for my own enjoyment when I have responsiblities. I guess I'll go back when I have free time!

"You keep up the good work, Sister (Y/n)" Pope Orion patted my shoulder. He shared a genuine smile. Though the smile was comforting I can't help but feel a sinking feeling in my gut. Though I appreciate the praise. I'm forced to, it's the pope. Anything he good he says should be worshipped. Or.. that's what they taught me.

"As lovely as this conversation is, I must be going now. I have to go to the lunch hall." I walked away from his hand bidding goodbye. The grand chapel doors close with a slam. Oh.  I didn't mean to close it so hard... I hope he doesn't tell father. Would this count as misbehavior? I don't want to even think about it.

Without a further thought, it becomes a sinking worry in my mind. What matters right now is that I go to find Madeleine. As the priest's daughter I have responsibilities. I do think everyone puts too much on me. I don't have a say in any of it. I think it is becoming a problem but I can only pray to God that it gets better. That he saves me from my darkness with his light. Though I've grown up in this very church. The sisters are nice and kind, the children are bubbling with innocence. It feels nice to be surrounded with others like you. Time goes so slow it's peaceful. I walk past a window feeling the rays of sunshine place itself upon my modesty. A gentle grip holds my shoulders. I turn around with a gasp at the sudden touch.

"Ehehe, Got you." Madeleine! Where did she come from? A teasing smile tugs her lips into a smile. The sun kissing her dark skin making her appear heavenly. Curls of hair slipping out of her habit. You could see the gleam in her eyes from miles away. The corners of her eyes pushed up with her smile. She was always so beautiful, resembling an angel in my eyes.

"Yes you did." I smile softly at her appearance. Her hands squeeze my shoulder affirmingly. It felt so comforting. I've been friends with Madeleine for years now. She's the one who brought me out of my shell. Every seminar she's on the sidelines silently cheering me on. I am grateful for her presence in my life.

"How was your prayer?" Madeleine asks coming beside me, walking down the stained glass sunlit halls. Skipping over her feet. With her, she understands me. I could tell her the truth and get no judgement.

"It was lovely, I was so nervouse during it. I think I messed up some lines. Pope Orion stopped me after it to tell me how good I was doing." I explained remebering the entcounter. The clicks of our heels echoed in the hallways. Her face controtred into surprised. She leaned in close to me.

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