★ prolouge ★

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Being a part of South Koreas best academies was a hard thing to get into, oh but your life gets way harder when you get in and experience what really happens

Meet Lee Felix, the child prodigy of every asian parents dream, Influenced by his older sister who got in to well-renowned ivy leagues, his parents too set out an expectation for higher for him to achieve

He had hard time having friends as a child and so he quickly chose not to and still has none

He got into the academy by his intelligence, if your wondering why I am saying this and why I told that the experience is way worse because, mainly the people that get in are usually children of celebrities, politicians, sports players and what not because of their parents rank, nepotism is the most common ways of getting into the academy and usually goes to undeserving people

speaking of nepotism,

Enter Hwang Hyunjin, total hottie and the epitome of nepotism, the campus heartthrob and jock, he was the type of person felix's parents would label as a bad influence

He was infamously known for partying and drinking, raves and having a history of sex with numerous people

There was once a drug scandal of him, ofcourse that got shut down because they bribed the journalist

Compared to him they had a wide difference, he belonged to classy-lifestyle and rich people, felix was a middle-class boy who hated partying, hyunjin fucked people in his mansions whereas felix was disgusted by the thought of sex and lived in a normal house with his family

slight stray kids × felix but thats ok because we stan

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