Chapter 22

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Everyone was in position and the ceremony was about to begin in

the next ten minutes. I was fidgety and agitated about it and went

inside quickly to visit the ladies. As I walked back out the door, I

heard the buzzer sound.

Whoever it was had some explaining to do. The wedding was going

ahead in less than ten minutes.

I rushed to the intercom and looked through the camera. A lady, who

looked to be in her forties with chestnut brown hair and legs that

went on forever stood looking at the camera.

"Hello," she squealed.

"May I ask who this is?"

She smiled. "I'm Hero's mother. Are you the stepsister?"

I cringed, both for Hero and for her referring to me as his stepsister.

"Yes, can I ask why you're here? The wedding's about to take place."

She looked apologetic. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted a very quick

word with my son."

I sighed. "Hold on a sec."

I took my finger off of the button and wondered what the hell I should

do. With Hero outside, I thought it best to try and resolve the

situation myself. I didn't want to stress him out unnecessarily.

So I rushed out the door and to the gates. I quickly opened them up

and found Hero's mum standing there. "Hi," she said, extending her

hand to me. "I'm Laura Fiennes Tiffin. Nice to meet you." She quickly

made her appraisal of me as I shook her hand. "You're quite the

pretty one, aren't you? Is Hero here?" She started poking her head

over my shoulder.

"Hero is busy. Can't this wait until tomorrow? It's a very important

day for us all today."

Laura smiled. "Quite. I just wanted to see him. It will literally only take

two minutes of his time." She suddenly looked past me and smiled.

"Mum, what are you doing here?"

I turned and saw Hero glaring at his mother. He looked at me briefly

and then back towards her.

"I just wanted to see you... to talk to you."

I bit my lip, worrying for Hero. "I explained that the wedding was

happening now and asked if she could come back another time."

Hero turned to me. "I'll handle this. Just get back to the ceremony."

I bit my lip. "Are you sure?"

Hero gave me a tight smile. "I'm sure. I'll be back in two minutes,


I nodded and went back inside. I wasn't sure why it was so important

that she had to see him now. I supposed Hero went along with it

because he didn't want to cause trouble for his dad on his wedding


As I jogged back inside, I saw my mother at the top of the stairs. She

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