Vampires to the Rescue

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Elena's PoV

Water curses through my lungs. I desperately pull on my chains, trying to get out, or at least, gain a little bit more length. That would be all I need. The water surface is right above me, I can feel it with my fingers when I reach out. My body aches, screaming for air, even though it doesn't kill me not to breathe. 

When the pool first filled up with water, I told myself not to crawl for the surface like a starving animal, knowing that's exactly what Tristan intended. For most fo the time, I actually manage to do just that. I tried to relax and be okay with the whole 'not breathing' factor, but the sheer force of will it takes for me not to try and get to the surface is making this whole thing worse. So, just to keep myself busy and avoid the feeling of helplessness, I go back to my useless attempts to reach the beautiful, relief-promising air above me. Tristan was right though. Having the surface so close but never being able to reach it is definitely driving people insane. Since it's been less than a day for me by now, I think I'm still pretty okay, but I don't want to know what will become of me if I end up stuck here for much longer.

Mentally gathering my courage and whatever is left of my sanity, I force mysef to stop fighting again. Instead, I try to think about how I could get out of here and if I do, what would be the best thing to do then. Obviously, I would need to find Elijah and tell him everything, especially about that traitor Hayley Marshall. I'd also have to talk to him about Tristan. But before, I need to get out of here. And stupidly, no matter how much I look, I can't seem to find a possible way out. The only realistic option appears to be getting rescued. Which sucks!

After what feels like an eternity, the water level lowers again as the water is being let out of the pool slowly

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After what feels like an eternity, the water level lowers again as the water is being let out of the pool slowly. My excited body starts fighting even harder for some air, counting the seconds until I can finally reach it. Any moment... now!

My poor, aching lungs widen and expand, greedily sucking up every glorious inch of air they can. The feeling of oxygen floating my body has never felt so wonderful.

"That's it, breathe." Tristan calmly says. He is standing at the edge of the pool again.

I glare at him. "You again."

"Yes, me again. I've come to tell you the rest of my story. I'm sure you'll be very interested." the dark blonde vampire smirks.

I huff. "I doubt that."

"Then I recommend you prepare to be surprised." Tristan remarks unflinching, "You see, Elijah and I used to be like brothers. We spent many centuries fighting together, travelling together and divulging in all kinds of debauchery whenever we had the time. It was a truly joyous life we had. However, all that changed when-"

"Tristan?" a skinny, black-haired woman with dark, almond eyes and body art - I believe Stefan once told me it's called 'tatoos' - on her bare arms, comes rushing in and interrupts my capturer.

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