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How these three met was actually quite coincidental, The type of thing you look back and laugh at actually, But if you heard it from them you can tell, Really tell, that they didn't want their first meeting any other way.


''Glitch!, Where did you put my brush?, You know I can't get my braids undone until next month!'', Monique was sick and tired of Glitch always being everywhere and nowhere at the same time, She had to look presentable for the pre-Project Rainbow assembly with Naomi and Veronica and all the other Fashion Focus contestants.


''Zooey!, If something is wrong then you have got to talk to me, You can't just look so sad all the time yet never open up!, Your not being your usual self!'', And yes, her best friend Glitch was right, She wasn't acting like herself since the incident, She didn't mean to but she shoved by Glitch and ran into the assembly for pre-Project Rainbow.


Karla didn't follow gender norms, And didn't plan to start now, So, With the best short shorts that she knew Naomi wouldn't accept, And as she was beginning to catwalk in her knee-high heels she was stopped, By Glitch, ''Have you seen Zooey anywhere?'' I'm looking for her, She ran away from me!'' But Karla didn't even know there was a Zooey in this school, And Karla didn't talk to Glitch regularly anyways so with a quick ''No, I've got to go!'' she entered the assembly room for the assembly with Naomi and Veronica.

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