I - intro to Lucas

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I feel myself awaken but did not want to open my eyes. Every part of my body aches. Though this seat is the most comfortable thing I have been on in months. The blanket is nice and warm too, it has a very nice texture. I feel the car slow down and come to a stop. The door across from me clicks open and the car slightly jostles as someone gets in. The door shuts. There is some rustling as a bag can be heard land in the boot. They must have thrown it over the seat. The engine sounds as it starts and the others in the car begin to talk quietly. I am so tire. The car humming is so relaxing.


I check the time on my phone as I wait for Jase and Sierra to arrive. I watch a car slowly pull up in front of me. Noticing the two in front I go and open the back seat door. As I sit inside I see the sleeping form of the girl Sierra told me about. I toss my bag of supplies over the back seat. I look at the girl again and can only see her left eye as the rest of her is covered in a blanket. I could already tell that she is in bad shape. The three of us, who are awake, began making small talk. We can't talk freely until we get to the safe house.

Jase carries the girl into the house while Sierra and I carry in supplies and provisions. I watch as he carefully sets her down on the couch and the blanket falls off her face. Her right eye is already bruised and she has a busted lip. I just hope that the rest of her injuries aren't too bad because she will be in a lot of pain. I brought various painkillers in case she is allergic to any.


Someone was humming. I feel groggy. I slowly open my eyes to a softly lit room. As I turn my head to look around I see a man turning around to face me.

"Oh, hey there sweetheart. Welcome back."

Who is he?! Where are Jase and Sierra? Please not again!

"Hey hey take it easy, no wait!" he exclaims.

I clutch the blanket around me as I half fall, half roll off the couch. The next thing I know I am under a table, desk maybe?

"Oh woah! Hey hey, hey look at me, look at me sweetheart. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I'm a doctor, my name is Lucas," he's coming closer, he could be lying. "Shhhh it's okay just...take a deep breath."

The door to the room opens and someone walks in.

"What's going on?" Jase! Please help.

"I'm sorry, she woke up when I was trying to patch her up and panicked," said the man-no Lucas, he said his name was Lucas. "I didn't mean to scar her, I was just trying to make it more comfortable."

"It's fine," Jase said softly, almost sighing. "Hey doll, remember me?"

Jase walks over and crouches down in front of me with one knee on the floor. "You're alright, you're safe. Sierra's out on patrol right now. Listen, we brought you to one of our safe houses, no one knows we're here. This place is a complete secret, not even the people we work for know about it. No one is gonna find you, we're gonna keep you safe and get this whole mess sorted out."

"Oh," I barely muttered out. If anything it was more just me breathing again. His words are a small comfort. He sees that I'm still tense and unsure.

"I know your scared, I don't even know half of what you've been through, but we can help you," he continues. "This is my good friend Lucas."

Jase gestures to Lucas behind him, I look over his  right shoulder and see Lucas do a small wave and he smiles gently.

"He's one of the best doctors I know. He can help you feel better," Jase finishes.

"Sorry for freaking out," I whisper.

"That's alright doll, you've been through hell. Just take a minute, you're fine," Jase reassures me.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I relax my shoulder and open my eyes again I see that they are still giving me some space, which I am grateful for.

"Okay, let's get you out from under there. Come on same as before, arms around me," he reached his arms out to me and I crawl out with the blanket around me. "That's it, here we go."

He carefully lifts me up and walks the short distance to the couch before I feel myself being lowered onto said couch.

"All right, there, back on the couch so the doc can look at you," he says stepping back. Lucas approaches, and for a brief second I forgot he is here to help and feel myself flinch back as I let out a quiet, involuntary gasp. "Shhh its okay, no one's going to hurt you I promise. The doc only wants to help, I can stay right here if that makes you feel safe, yeah?"

Jase sits down on the couch next to me after I give a quick nod. He looks to Lucas who grabs a bottle of water. "Here, have her drink some water first," he says as he hands the bottle to Jase who opens it for me.

"There you go doll, drink up."

I am quick to down half the bottle to sooth my throat, taking a breath before I take small sips.

A/n: i know that a lot of that is word for word but Kim is a great writer, and like it is fanfic after all :]

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