III - story time

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"Hey are you okay in there honey?," Sierra asks. "Just checking in, I'm here if, you know, need help or anything. Don't have to worry about the guys seeing you or... I'm sorry I'm rambling."

"I'm great in the field... I'm great in a crisis, I don't usually hang around for this part," she mumbles, words barely making it through the door. I finish getting dressed so that I can stop her from her worrying.

"There you are. Feeling a little better after getting cleaned up?"

"Much better thanks," I grin.

"Good, thats good. Here wait lean on me, the doc said to take it easy," I'm grateful as my feet were actually beginning to hurt and I can't put my full weight on one ankle. "Come on this way."

"Where are we going?"

"I was going to bring you to the kitchen for dinner."

"Could I possibly eat dinner in my room? If thats okay," I don't think I could manage being there with them all for the moment.

"Uhm yeah, yeah that's fine,you can eat in the bedroom if you're more comfortable," she changed directions. "Come on this way then."

"That's it," she encourages as we reach a door and opens it to reveal a nice clean room. "Is this room okay?"

"Of course, its great," I smile at her again, anything would have done. This is more than I could have hoped for.

"Just sit down on the bed, take a load off," Sierra helps my sit down after adjusting the sheets for me. "Okay I'm going togo get you some food. You okay by yourself for a minute?"

"I'll be fine, thank you."

"Alright honey," Sierra nods mostly to herself as she leaves, shutting the door gently behind her.

I sit the pillow behind me up against the headboard of the bed to make it more comfortable to sit back. I leave my right leg hanging off the bed and lay my left leg horizontally in front of me, almost like a half meditation pose I guess? Anyway I then readjust the duvet over my legs as I wait for Sierra to come back.


Jase and I look up and see Sierra walk into the kitchen by herself. Seeing our questioning looks she decides to answer us.

"She wanted to eat in her room, I think she feels a bit overwhelmed by having all of is around her eating."

"Poor thing," Jase comments.

"Do you mind if I bring up her dinner?" I ask seeing Sierra getting her a plate ready. "I still have to wrap her wrists, I was going to do it just after dinner anyway."

"Sure, go ahead," Sierra smiles hands me the plate and some cutlery then give a look to Jase.

"I'll come down when I hear you make it to the bedroom," I laugh, god these people.

I reach the room that Sierra had told me she was in and gently open the door. I see her sitting on the bed fiddling with the corner of the duvet. She looked up and a brief glance of confusion crossed her face.

"Hey there, Sierra said you asked to eat in your room so I brought you dinner. I still need to wrap your wrists now that you've cleaned up. I thought that I could just, you know, kill to birds with one stone if that's alright," I say before I realise that she probably wanted Sierra here instead. "Bu-But if you want me to go get Sierra I can do that."


I see a flash of panic on his face.

"No, its alright, I'm okay," I try to reassure him.

"You're okay? Alright then," he moves over to the bedside table. "Let me just set this down for you here... and then, is it alright if I touch your arm now?"

I hold my arm out in reply.

"Thanks, this will just take a minute. Try to rest it as much as you can," I watch as he begins to wrap my wrist, replacing the broken, angry red skin with clean, fresh bandages.

"So, I don't know you but, I think you're
really brave," I look up at him as he says this. "I just want you to know that you're going through something...terrible and you're holding together. I don't know what I would have done if I'd been in your position."

"But I freaked out though," I remark.

"Well yes, you did freak out a little when you woke up. But hey you were alone in a room with a strange guy you didn't know, that's understandable. But after that you calmed down, you spoke up for yourself and what you needed. You're still doing it, saying that dinner with all of us is too much and that's okay. Those may seem like little things but after what you've been through, they're not. So just trust me when I say that you are very brave. And I admire that," he smiles at me.

I can feel my eyes are watery and I have a small lump in my throat.

"I don't mean to talk your ear off. I should just let you rest," I look down as he says this and see that while he was talking he had finished wrapping up my wrists. "Don't worry about the dishes."

"Wait," I blurt out, he had gotten up to leave and now turned around with a hum in question. "Can you stay?"

"Uhh, yeah I can stay if you want me too," he sits back down on the bed.

"Its okay, you don't have to. I don't want to cause you any trouble," I try to backtrack.

"No its.. no trouble at all."

"Can you talk while I eat?" I request, not really wanting silence at the moment.

"Sure I can talk while you eat, I mean Jase is usually trying to get me to shut up so this is a welcome change although..."

Lucas continues to talk as I slowly pick away at the food. I was starving but as I eat,I find that my appetite has really shrunk since before I was...

"Oh are you about finished," he must have noticed that I have just been staring at the food. "I know you've been through a lot, but I want you to eat as much as you are able to build your strength up."

"I don't think I can eat any more, but it was really nice," I don't want them to think that I didn't like their food.

"Alright, if you're done, then I'll take that."

"Please done go yet," I almost shout in a moment of panic.

"No no, I'm not leaving yet," I sigh in relief. "You need to rest and I promised to talk a while. Lie down there..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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