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"Burenyuu~" A Small humanoid cat creature stood in front of a small white beast-like being, ethereal blue arms sprouted from its back as swords appeared in its hands. All around it, swords became real and positioned themselves, ready to fire, at the creature that pulled a pipe out of its pocket.

The swords blast forth, going through the body only to be replaced by another sword when the first disappeared behind the creature, as the final blades fadded away into blue motes the beast stood for a bit watching the cooling corpse in fear.

"Goddamn, that's finally the last one!" The creature exclaimed and lay down on the ground, rolling onto its back it stared at the night sky.

"So, you're probably wondering what's going on, Eh?" It asked to no one in particular...

"Author-Kun! Stop beating around the bush and let's get on with the 'SPEED OF NECO ARC' Speed run!" Fine, you impatient little- "AH-UP-UP-UP-UP-UP! Swear jar if you continue that sentence!" ...

Alright Fou, Keep your secrets. "Did you just make a Lord of the Rings reference?" I can and will put you on blast, I have your Spotify open. "OKAY-OKAY-OKAY! Just, calm down okay Author-Kun!?" You're on thin Ice buddy.

"Anyways, to our dear lovely-" More like criminally insane "-Fate weavers... Really Author-Kun?" Hey, do you want to finish this chapter or not? Get on with it, ya little beast. "Fine, Fine, Welcome to our 1 Million Webnovel Views Special!" Yeah, as of my checking after posting 'Departure' we reached a million views on WN.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" That would be... *Paper Flip* Let's see here... *Paper Flip* "Stop stalling to get more words down! Explain the events that would've happened in years 2 to 3!" Alright, I'm on it, I just have to grab my notes. "You and I both know that's a blatant lie."

"Come along now boys~. Try to keep the 4th wall from cracking TOO much~." Yes, lady Lilith. "Yes Mother"

"NO-" Neo kicks the 4th wall in "-Fuck this wall!" DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO FIX THAT KINDA DAMAGE!? "two fiddy~"

"Get the word count up! Use a lot of fancy words like 'Misconstrued' and give the hungry hungry readers the information they want. Then hold the words ransom and use stones as payment. Evil, right?" Neo planned, rubbing her hands together.

Okay, let's just get this show on the road! Fou, you're on first.

"Hello dear fate weavers, this special episode is dedicated to going over the events that Author Kun wanted to happen" Start talking like your Barney Stinson summarizing 'How I met your Mother' in 60 seconds

"Alright after the explosion I leave and the servants stay to defend the school, The chamber of secrets is opened by Harriet who befriends the snake, cool, she turns the place into a livable habitat for it, awesome, the chamber is just that, a chamber with a place for a giant ass snake.-

"-Draco joins his house team as Seaker and donates Nimbus 2001s to his whole team and in response to make things fair Harriet donates a bunch of 2001s to the school, Colin hung around Harriet like an excitable little puppy.-

"-Harriet Attends the Slytherin Quidditch Practice in the bleachers while reading a book, Ron stirs up trouble and Draco comes to her defence and ends up damaging Ron's wand in an impromptu duel.-

"-Ron was forced to run away with his tail behind his legs, Harriet snapped her book shut and thanked Draco before leaving and the rest of his team called him Whipped when he grabbed his chest.-

"-Went to Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington's death day party, threatened the 'Headless Hunt' got thanked by Nick, Comforted Moaning Myrte and gave her closure before going to bed.-

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