A Splitting Headache of a Situation (Sonic Rush)

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One day, after a close escape from Shadow, Amy discovered a new entrance in Marble Zone, and a new energy source, similar to the gem she discovered in her early adventures by herself. Using her energy radar, Amy platformed through many lava pits, chained platforms, and arrived in an empty room. The radar started blipping like crazy, signaling that the energy reading was very close by. At that moment, the floor under her started crumbling, and broke before she could jump out of the way.

Amy landed on a pile of rubble, surrounded by weak light and dust. Luckily, her radar wasn’t damaged, left at the edge of the hole.

“Aw, dammit!” grunted Amy, squinting up at the light from the hole, then tapped her boots, which vibrated, glowing blue. “Okay, these still work.”

Amy got up, dusting off the rubble on her, then looked around the dark room, spotting a faint orange-red glow from an empty doorframe. Walking towards the glow, Amy found herself in large platform, surrounded by lava, which lit the room, with no torches of any kind. In front of her, another empty doorframe, through which nothing but darkness was visible. Amy turned to her right, kneeling down at the edge, and stared at the lava.

“How is this here?” she asked herself. “It’s clear that this passage was meant for something, but this wasn’t on the map I downloaded the first time.”

“Hand over the Sol Emerald.” demanded a stern voice from Amy’s left.

Amy got up and looked at the speaker. It was a pale purple cat, dressed in a royal attire, consisting of a deep purple royal robe, white elastic pants, white gloves with puffy cuffs on her wrists and ankles and striped heels. She had a deeply irritated look on her face, digging knives with her glare in Amy’s half-innocent eyes.

“…I’m sorry?” asked Amy.

“You have a Sol Emerald. Hand it over before I pry from your charred corpse.” threatened the cat in a “no-games” tone.

“Whoa, whoa, w-we don’t have to…” began Amy, stepping back.

“Then put it on the floor, and step away.” said the cat.

Gaining some courage, Amy summoned her hammer, brought it before her, and faced the threatening figure.

“If you want that Emerald, you’re gonna have to get through my hammer.”

Blaze squinted in anger, dashing forward. Amy dodged and swung at her opponent, who, sliding under the swing, ran up the wall, back-flipped off and attempted a downward kick, which missed. Amy swung again, while the cat, landing, ducked under the heavy swing, which made a hole in the wall. The cat kicked the hammer off, then side-flipped Amy into the same wall, and finished with a flaming kick, which Amy blocked with her forearms, falling through the other side of the wall. The cat tried to pick up the hammer, but was unable to, so she directed her attention back to the hedgehog.

“Hey, princess, why don’t you take a lava bath, if you’re feeling so hot?” asked Amy, warping next to the cat’s feet, and slide-kicking her off balance, and her into lava.

Amy got up, looking at the hammer, which she then picked up and de-summoned it.

“Agile royal cat. Reminding me of that hedgehog.” she mumbled, when the lava gave way for the cat, unaffected, to stand on top of it.

“I’m not one for dirty tricks, hedgehog.” said the cat, stepping back onto the platform.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, hold on…” stalled Amy, thinking of something. “...w-why don’t we talk things out?”

The cat stopped, confused.

“Excuse me?” she asked. “All this fighting, just for some small talk?” she continued after a few seconds.

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