First meeting tricks

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I was swimming through the waters of Sumeru. I had my bag full of human gadgets, I got them from a shipwreck. I saw beautiful lights flashing above the surface so I went to investigate. I bobbed my head above the water to see colorful lights that exploded in the night sky. My off-white tail poked out of the water as I watched the pretty colors paint the sky.

In a blink of an eye, I was trapped in a fishermen's net, I dropped my bag of human treasures as I struggled to break free of this trap, I ended up on my stomach with my hands clawing at the net and my fin was sticking out.

"Sir Alhaitham! We caught something you might like!" The older man spoke

I heard a sigh as a tall man with silver hair walked over. The old man pulled the net on the wooden ship and dropped me. I struggled in the net as I saw the humans surrounding me.

"Seems we caught ourselves a merman," The silver-haired man smirked

He kneeled down and helped me out of the net, once I was out I scooted away from them with fear struck in my eyes.

"You dumbasses scared him," He snapped at his crew

He walked over to me and picked me up. I looked up at his face to see his beautiful green eyes that had a hint of red. I began struggling to break free of his grasp, I didn't realize we were both next to the edge of the ship as we tumbled into the water.


"Kill that thing!"

I dodged the arrows being shot. I swam away from the shots as the silver-haired man swam to the surface and shouted at the men. I swam deep into the sea until I was stopped by Faruzan shouting my name.

"Kaveh!" She shouted

I stopped swimming and looked at her. She gasped and rushed to me.

"Your tail, it's bleeding!" She shouted

"I'm fine," I sighed

"That wound says otherwise," She glared

Faruzan grabbed my hand and swam to the mer-doctor, Kokomi. After that trip, Kokomi told me not to be too rough with swimming with my tail, she wrapped the left fin and my shoulder. I decided to swim to my favorite rock to sit on, though it was above the surface. I sat on my rock and brushed through my blonde hair as I watched the people of Sumeru dance on the streets. I saw the man from the ship, the silver-haired man.

I dove into the water and swam over to him to apologize for what happened on the ship. I crawled up on the shore, he took out a dagger and tried to attack me. I became scared as he swung the dagger at me but I dodged him. I grabbed his wrist and stopped him from hurting me.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted

"Huh?" He tilted his head

"I didn't mean to drown you, it wasn't my intention, you just scared me," I growled

I released his hands but he quickly cut my wrist, I fell back as he jumped on top of me. He had his hands on either side of my head. My face turned red as I looked into his green eyes. He tried to kill me, the dagger raised above to stab my face.

"Sorry about this," I apologized

I made the fins on my forearm stiff and sharp to cut his side. I quickly crawled back into the sea but was stopped when I felt my fin get stepped on. I groaned in pain as the man grabbed my tail and pulled me toward him. I faced him as he grabbed my throat, and an arrow was shot near his head.

"Release him," I heard Yelan's voice

I turned around the best I could to see a warrior named Yelan with Mika and Lisa. The silver-haired man placed his arm over my chest and held a dagger to my throat. Yelan lowered her bow as she glared at the man holding me. I heard shuffling behind me, I saw a man with pearly white hair and a girl with blue hair.

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