A day with him

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I woke up in Alhaitham's arms, my tail wrapped around his leg. I sat up and looked around to see we were still in this cave, Alhaitham still had an injured shoulder covered in seaweed.

"I forgot we slept here," I yawned

"Mm, stop moving," Alhaitham groaned

He pulled me into his chest and dozed off again. I glared at him and tried to get out of his grasp. After I succeeded, I immediately swam to find Kokomi. I entered the palace of giant sea shells, there she was talking to General Gorou.

"Oh Kaveh, what brings you here?" Kokomi asked

Gorou bowed to Kokomi and swam out of the throne room. I asked Kokomi if there was a way to make a human a temporary siren.

"Oh? Mind I ask why?" She tilted her head

"U-um, well-" I paused, nervous to tell her

"Is it that human from the ship? The one that took you hostage, if I'm not mistaken?" She sighed

"H-how did you know?!" I jumped

"Yelan told me, why do you want the human that hurt you to be a siren?" Kokomi held my cheek

"Because I-I think-" I stopped myself

Kokomi sighed and had me follow her to the alchemy room. She asked Sucrose to get a bottle of a glowing purple liquid. She told me this can make a human a siren for a while. I thanked her and swam back to the cave that Alhaitham was in. He was wide awake and he was sitting on the ground.

"Oh! You're awake," I jumped

"What's in your hand?" He asked

I looked at my hand holding the glowing purple liquid. I handed him the bottle with a broad smile on my face.

"What is this?" He looked at the bottle

"A potion that will temporarily turn you into a siren," I looked away

"How long will it last?" Alhaitham opened the bottle

"A few- Hey! Why did you drink it!?" I shouted

Alhaitham drank the whole bottle while I tried to explain how long it would last. He handed me the empty bottle as his face turned bright red. I placed the bottle on the ground while he crawled into the water, the water around his legs glowed a beautiful green as a tail appeared. The same beautiful green merman tail from before replaced his legs.

"It worked," I smiled

Alhaitham looked tired as he rested his head on my lap.

"The next time we do something like this, we're going to my world," Alhaitham claimed

"Whatever you say," I chuckled

He sat up to look at me. I grabbed his hand and started to swim to Nilou's place. I didn't want him to see my sad-looking cave so I would stay at Nilou's home. I knocked on her door once we made it to Nilou's home. Nilou opened the door and invited us in.

"What brings you here and who's this?" Nilou asked

"My place is being remodeled remember?" I lied

"O-oh, right! Come in," She played along

"Kaveh!" Sayu cheered

Sayu rushed over to me and tackled me in a tight hug.

"Sayu? I thought you were taking a nap," Nilou questioned

"I heard Kaveh's voice, I want him to read me a story," Sayu sighed

"I'm sure Alhaitham can read you a story while I talk to Nilou," I looked at Sayu and Alhaitham

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