Chapter 2: Center city

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"Misty!" I yelled as soon as I regained my senses. "Luna? Is it really you?" the girl said, looking over at me pushing her hair out of her face as she bent down to check on me. The girl was holding a large medicine kit that she had opened. She took a large bandage-like thing and strapped it on my forehead (where I had gotten a bump). "Misty..?" I said, trying to speak. I put my hand on her shoulder for support to lift myself up. "Luna? Is it really you? Can you hear me Luna?" the girl said as her voice began to fade. I woke up in a strange place. "Where am I" I said, opening my eyes slowly. "You're safe here," said the girl."I thought I'd never find you as I had moved away here so long ago. "Ever since I went basically mute, my parents moved me here to get the best help, since Phantasm is known for its great doctors." said Misty, grabbing a large bottle full of liquid."it seems what we call the 'soul' has almost escaped your body. Thankfully we managed to bring it down. It seems like it was trying to travel to something." she said, touching the necklaces."I found your luggage, it's right here. Something fell out of your box. A bunch of necklaces? I found an odd one with my intials. May I have it? T-That is if you don't mind!" she said stuttering "you can take them all for what I care. The only reason I came here is because I sent myself on a mission to travel the world." I explained to Misty what happened with Nia and Ned and everything else. "Would you like me to show you around Phantasm? I'd be happy if you want! Our libraries are filled with books and novels of all sorts!" she said, sounding rather joyful. "That'd be nice," I said, smiling at her. I had to say, she changed a lot. She used to have brown hair, now it's like a light purply pink. Her glasses got much larger, and she got bangs! Wow! Talk about glow up. Me and Misty exited the hospital. "This is what we call the center city!" she said "wow!" I said in amazement. As she showed me around, I couldn't help but notice how dark this place was. "Hey Misty?" I asked "yes Luna?" she said, turning her head in confusion. "Why is this place called Phantasm?" I asked. "That's because of our mayor! Their name is Phantasa! They rarely come outside and I have never seen them." she explained. Jeez, who named this person? "Can I go meet them?" I said jumping around insanely. "Well, they aren't really that friendly-" I cut her off as I ran down to the place that was titled."mayor's place. Don't come in unless you deliver food"."Luna come back!" Misty yelled chasing after me."catch me if ya can!" I said. She actually caught up really fast and grabbed me by my shirt."Can you help me put my necklace on?" asked holding up the white shimmery necklace with the intials "MO" on it. I put the necklace on Misty. I could tell by her face I wasn't the only one with that "surge of power". "What the.." Misty said, catching her breath. "That happened to me as well." I said. I noticed the sky had started to get dark. "It's only 3 pm! What the heck?" I yelled. I was clinging to Misty's shoulder as something swirled around in the sky. Sort of like a portal. It was purple, and it looked like something right out of a horror film. "What the hell..." said Misty, backing away from the portal. "Hellooo!" said an unusual voice. Just then something appeared out of the portal. I covered Misty pushing her behind me."save yourself!" I yelled at her." I won't leave you here Luna!" she cried. "Don't worry about me.." I said crying as Misty clung to my leg.

Soul Stealer book: 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang