Chapter 7: The Castle

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Nia woke us both up. "C'mon let's go to the castle!" Nia yelled, shaking me awake. "It's so early!" I said. "I don't care!" Nia barked. Misty was brushing her hair. I ordered room service and waited for it to be delivered. "C'mon Misty! I wanna use the bathroom!" Nia yelled, stomping her feet. "One second!" Misty replied. I changed into my robe and Nia got into her performing outfit, Misty also put on her silver robe. Room service came and we had a buffet. "This is delicious!" I said. Nia inhaled hers. "Let's do it!" she said, grabbing us both and dragging us out of the hotel. We got on my broom and flew to the front of the palace/vacation home/I don't know. I knocked on the palace door, when a person with a fake mustache appeared in front of the door, "stop this instant! I am uhh, Prince uh, cheese! You must leave the castle at once!" they said. Nia ripped the mustache off of the person and it was no one other than Princess Nova! "Why are you wearing a mustache? And where is Ned!?" Nia yelled. "Calm down! That soldier you're talking about is on break in the castle however, we aren't letting in visitors." Nova said. "Please! I haven't seen Ned in like forever!" Nia cried. Nova grabbed their mustache and stuck it back on."I don't know what to tell you kid, I'll be inside." Nova said. Nia went in after them. So did me and Misty. The castle was big and broad."Wow!" Misty said."SHHH!" Nia said. Ned was roaming around the castle, checking out every female guard."Hey Eleanor, why don't you like me?" he begged."I AM A LESBIAN!" the girl screamed and ran, she tripped on her cape and Ned laughed. She chased him around with her spear. Just then, another princess, Katrina, noticed Ned and grabbed him by the collar. "You imbecile! You shouldn't be on a break! Get back to work you idiot!" she said, throwing Ned on the ground."THAT LITTLE!""SHH!" I said, shushing Nia. "It's Nova!" I said. Nova had much shorter hair and was wearing masculine clothes. Nova noticed Katrina who glared at them. "Why is your hair so short! You're supposed to be wearing a dress! Not.. This!" Katrina yelled. "Hey sis! Didn't see you there! I was just..experimenting!" Nova said, backed up against a wall. "Listen here, mother expects you to look pretty for the dinner tonight, you have to get into a dress this instant! You hear me?" Katrina yelled. While they argued, we snuck up to Ned. "Psst!" Nia said. He jumped. "What?! Nia is that you!?" he cried. "Let's go!" Nia said, grabbing him. We got out of the castle and Nia gave Ned the necklace. We ran out of the castle before anyone could catch us. "We are all going to travel around the world, would you care to join us?" Nia begged. "Uhh sure!" Ned said. "Wow Luna you look amazing".I slapped him. "I have to go somewhere. I'll be back soon!" Nia said. She dropped her blue raspberry orbeez stress ball. I handed it to her as she scurried away.

Soul Stealer book: 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя