2. Victim turned Villan

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"There are only two roles women fit into. Victim and Villan. Now, you have to choose either of them, or even better, both." The instructions were clear. The Queen- Swasti wanted the females to dominate by any means possible.

The Victims will be developed into Villans. And the Villans, they stay the same.

Every week a meeting was held, the Queen talked to the women and prepared them for a greater cause. She motivated them, taught them and encouraged them.

Swasti was the Hitler of the women community. She was just like him, a good orator and a good painter.

This was only the beginning. No one could stop them from achieving their goal. She made every woman ambitious and made them understand that they were not weaker than any gender out there, infact it was them who were much stronger physically as well as mentally, it was them who are supposed to rule. No other gender could be as efficient as they are.

She made herself clear, there are no good means or bad means, at the end the result matters and what mattered to them was clear in their minds.

The next step was to prepare for a war. Not a physical one, but the one every woman would fight at their homes, streets and public places.

Playing the victim outside and Villan inside. 
The rituals continued, acting sweet continued. They were on the way of becoming better woman, the better gender and a divine power and the woman they dreamt themselves to be.

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