3. Source of Life

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Who would have thought that the  Queen - Swasti, would surpass all the boundaries and become the strongest leader.

In her speeches she portrayed herself to be very powerful. 
"You all are the source of life, act like it." The Queen shouted in one of her speeches. "Start embracing the feminine energy you posses."

Female superiority was given a great importance. Day by day men themselves understood that they were the inferior gender.

They stared bowing whenever any woman passed by. They knew if they did not bow what would happen. They were aware of the concequences.  The young boys were taught to respect women and worship them. The mothers' themselves taught this to their children that women were the superior gender and they need to be worshipped.

Swasti ruled over everyone in the town. It was as if they were possessed or it was some kind of black magic that she did.

But no, people loved her, they had their belief in her and they respected her, because they knew that she was the soure of their life and it was only her who could help.

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