Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


I stared at the television and shoveled dark chocolate Doves into my mouth. I made sure to read what the wrapper said before tossing it aside. A lot were clichéd, but I didn't mind. They sounded sweet nonetheless, and they tasted pretty sweet too.

It was 9:30pm, and I was waiting for that text or call from Louis telling me I could come over. I was so excited, I felt sick to my stomach. The chocolates probably weren't helping.

I was going to make sure things didn't get too physical, because I believed in losing your virginity after marriage. Okay fine, that one time I almost did it with Louis was wrong, but like I said, I was feeling bad. He had told me he liked me, people! Cut me some slack.

I changed the channel because Spongebob was starting to get boring. I went to Movies on Demand and decided on Journey 2 The Mysterious Island. I had seen this movie a bunch of times already, but I still loved it.

I had just gotten to the point where Sean blacks out when my phone quacked. I paused the movie and checked the text message.

They're finally asleep. You can come over now. :)


I giggled at his smiley face and turned off the TV. I picked up my bag holding my PJs, toiletries, and an extra change of clothes before heading out.

Bethany had gone to bed long before, and I wasn't too worried she would wake up and notice I was gone. She's a heavy sleeper. She could sleep through anything.

I got in my truck and turned the headlights down low so as not to alert any neighbors. But then I turned them on high. Didn't need anyone to be suspicious of me.

I followed the directions that Louis had texted me before and when I turned on their street I flicked off my headlights. I could see their flat ahead and I grinned excitedly.

I pulled up their driveway as quietly as possible and stopped. I got out and shut the door. I winced at the loud slam it made, but no one woke up, so I decided it must be part of my nerve-wracked imagination. I ran up the front steps and knocked lightly on the door. Hopefully Louis would hear and answer it.

No one. I grimaced and held up my fist to knock louder. Suddenly the door opened and a hand grabbed the front of my shirt, yanking me inside. I opened my mouth to scream, but another hand flew up and smacked over my mouth. I glared at the darkness, unable to see the person who had rudely pulled me inside.

"Sshh," Louis whispered in my ear, nearly making me jump and punch his lights out. I pried his hand away with some difficulty.

"Really, Louis?" I hissed irritably. "You could have just let me in!"

"It wouldn't have had the same effect," he pouted and I scowled.

"Where's your room?" I asked and took a step forward. I stubbed my toe against something super hard, and I bit back my curse words. "Schist!" I muttered, and I heard Louis chuckle.

"You have terrible night vision," he said and took my hand. He told me where to watch my step more often than necessary and suddenly pushed me forward at a random moment. I nearly fell, and I heard a door close. Then a clicking noise, and Louis' room was bathed in a dull yellow light. I glared at Louis and he grinned back at me. "Don't push me," I told him sharply.

I put my bag down and looked around. "Clean place," I said sarcastically. It was a mess: clothes and random things everywhere. Posters, hats, games, toys, you name it. He had it on the floor.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "I'm not exactly a neat freak."

"No, really?" I said, continuing the sarcasm. Then I stopped. "No," I said again. "It's okay. Nobody's perfect."

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