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My name is Olivia Johnson.

Olivia – Many people called me that.

Olivia, I love your music taste.

Olivia, I'm so happy I meet you again.

Olivia, you look so pretty in this dress.

People always praise me like that – Olivia, then followed by many compliments.

I remember someone even praise me about my eyelashes. Even though I hate my eyelashes the most.

At this point, I paused to think for a moment. – Yes.

Someone once really honestly complimented my eyelashes.

The same person who always tells me that I am "a moody" woman --

I slightly frowned. -- When I remembered that person continued to say, "But you're the moody woman I love."

"Do you remember who complimented your eyelashes?"

A voice came from in front of me.

I blinked. Looking up at the woman in the blue turtleneck who was staring back at me. -- Her slender face seemed to be whiter and paler than before when her black hair is letting down framing her face. Different from the previous times when her hair always tend to be tied to the back.

"Do you remember who told you that you are moody?" Her pair of slender eyes looked indifferent without any feeling, while asking me the next question "Who told you he loves you?"

"Who are you?" I heard my voice asking back instead of answering those questions.

That woman smile. She put her hand on her chest and said "Dakota" she introduced herself politely "We already know each other".

It was then that the image of Dakota's face flashed through my mind quickly and clearly.

The image of her wearing a black turtleneck with her black hair tied back in a ponytail. The image of her turning on a 3D projection picture and showing me and meticulously recording my information.

"You talked to me before." I blurred it out before my brain could do any detail processing. "Back then you turned on the 3D for me to see."

Dakota nodded her head.

"You were here for a health checkup." She said. "And someone sent you a letter."

A letter to me? – I was bewildered.

"Someone sent a letter to you a long time ago." Dakota continued. "Do you want me to open that letter?"

I was lost in my thoughts.

"A long time ago?" I asked. "Why are you just telling me now?"

Dakota knew that I would ask her this question.

"You and I just met not long ago." She said, "If we met sooner I would have told you a long time ago."

A part of my heart felt a little hesitant. But I decided to nod back to Dakota.

Dakota opened that letter for me.

It was a familiar handwritten in the letter that I haven't seen in a long time --

Just call my name and we'll meet.

That letter ended like that. --

I read the letter until the end -- Still silently staring at the last name on the letter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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