Got a chance

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Without no doubt is it said
I climb mountains to behave
Feelings merge and I try to explain
How I could never reveal them
Lots of them, a large quantity, they are mixed up, merged, numerous and different
So are my expectations
I asked myself if I could ever get a chance
Remembering that I once got one
I got a chance, the only one, I got the chance
To tell you what it felt like and express my very concern about you
My world contained in it a single character, I hoped to stay near the one, I'd love as I had not loved yet
I was blindly looking around and over others, simply attracted to what I had next to me
As if I knew
If I had got a chance to know, to realise
I may have acted differently
Now you're not even in my world and making up some won't help overcome my issues
Still I wish I could bond with the one I fell in love
You changed certainly and I could not ask for more
I don't get a chance because it's not my call
I got a chance to catch up with you
Time is not over but goes over important events
Fortunately enough we program them
I got a chance to meet you
I get a chance to meet you again
I know I will
Life gives more than one shot to anyone trying their best

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