Chapter 1: The Princess And The Troll

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The year was 1823. A magical year. This magic could be traced back to one kingdom, at this very specific year.
The kingdoms name was Telfordia a place that had areas of both low lives, and royalty.

It was in one of these areas of royalty, in the lovely, safe place of Hadleia, that there was a brick tower. This tower was surrounded by a a circular field of wildlife and green, with a moat surrounding it behind the line of trees. This tower was made of white bricks, that gleamed in the sun. The cement was made of a sparkly gold, and the tower was a sight of which drew awe from anyone who saw it. It was even visible to the areas always cast in shadows. It would gleam in the sunlight on the horizon, like a beacon.

"Morning." Said a gruff voice.
Princess ebs shot open an eye at once. This was a sound she very much was hoping she wouldn't hear. At least, not for another hour. It was the barking voice of her beloved, Jacob.
The princess decided beloved was not a word that sufficed. For she had met this man during a time in which, he was very different.
He was once full of life and magic, though as time had gone on, he had turned sour, jealous and rough.
The princess very much wanted a better relationship, but she couldn't find anyone to give her the feeling she so desired.
So, for now, she resigned herself to just deal with it.
"Good Morning!" She said, in the loveliest voice she could possibly muster.
"You kept moving in your sleep last night," muttered Jacob, "I couldn't sleep."
"Oh, I'm awfully sorry, my love." Said the princess, turning over to cuddle with Jacob.
"Hmph." Said Jacob, shrugging her off.
The princess, grateful for the loss of contact, returned to staring up at the ceiling.

Her parents had come to find wealth in their youth. Her father was a great, bearded man. To others in the kingdom, they may have said they thought he was tough. But the princess knew her father wouldn't hurt a fly.
Her mother was a worrier, though cared for her daughter a great amount. She herself was aware of the utter state of her daughters relationship, but she was not one to stand in the way of what she thought her ebs wanted.

The princess began to mentally etch a face into the linings of her white ceiling. This boy looked confident. She noticed he sported a lopsided smile, and very messy hair. She then watched this figure run, jump, and run and jump some more around her ceiling, smiling and laughing.
The princess smiled to herself. For this was the boy she wished she had. Though, for sure, no such boy existed.
Jacob got out of bed, and began to dress.
"Do you need anything before you go to work, my love?" Asked ebs, twiddling her toes under the covers.
"No." Was all Jacob answered, quickly trudging to the door to the bedroom; and promptly slamming it shut. A flower pot fell from a nearby shelf, and smashed on the hard marble floor.
The princess smiled a spectacular smile. He was gone!
She hopped out of bed, and skipped over to her wardrobe, which had a lovely light green dress, studded with whites and golds.
"Today is my own!" She sung to herself, rushing over to the mirror to tame her long, curly hair. "I could read a book," she said, giggling as a finger got stuck in her hair, "I could make a painting!" She continued, patting her hair down and rushing to the window.
"I could sit in the sun all day long!" She squealed, flinging open the window, the room filling with beautiful sunlight.
The princess sat down at the window, her legs dangling in the cool breeze. She closed her eyes and smiled again with her lovely cherry lips, lightly kicking her feet. This was the life she deserved, and she knew it. Damned what Jacob and his sour attitude thought.
Her parents were away for the week, and princess ebs knew she had the entire top floor of the tower to herself. She couldn't help but squeal again at the thought, and hopped off the window to find what she would do first.

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