Chapter 2: The Hero And The Thief

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The townsfolk were going about their usual life.
Little happened in Trencua. It wasn't a rough part of the kingdom, just, rather very boring.
The housewives were bustling about the stalls, collecting food to bring to their husbands.
Work men were trudging the streets, muttering to themselves about the unfairness of their lives.

A particularly plump man and his wife were just filling their sack with fresh fruit, when the man's ears perked up.
"Do you hear that, love?" He asked. His wife looked up from the pile of apples sitting on the stall.
"Hear what?" She asked, puzzled.
"That!" The plump man exclaimed. Once again, his wife listened out for whatever her husband was picking up on. That's when she heard something.
Perhaps it was a bar fight? She thought. But on second thought, there were no bars on this street. Maybe a carriage with a broken wheel was coming by. But upon further inspection, she realised there was no such carriage. Then what could it possibly be?
Just then, a loud crash made many heads turn towards an old, run down looking building. The front door swung open, and a large, muscular man with a prominent bald patch came bounding out of the door, holding an old bag. A fella nearly fell over trying to get out of the way of the burly man.
"Hey, cmon, stop!" Another voice sounded, and a skinny man came running out of the door to the old building. This man had brown, messy hair, a masculine jaw line, and handsome facial features. "That's my property, thank you very much!" He continued to shout, giving chase to the burly man. The man quickly scooted to a stop next to an awaiting brown and dishevelled horse.
"Haha!" Howled the burly man, climbing up onto his horse, "I'll enjoy spending this money, Harry!"
"I'll enjoy catching you first!" Yelled Harry fearlessly, weaving between townsfolk, who were still scrambling to clear a path for the two men.
"HYAH!" Yelled the burly man, tugging the reins, his horse neighing aggressively.
Harry whistled loudly. He panted as he watched the burly man take off on his horse down the street.
Another neigh was heard over the commotion.
A grey horse, sporting bright blue horseshoes and a keen heroic face came bounding through a dark alley between buildings.
"Giddy up, blue!" Harry yelled, his horse running up along side him.
The townsfolk gasped, as with a grin, Harry hoisted himself up onto the horse in one swift motion. "Now onwards!" Said Harry, pointing towards the slowly disappearing burly man.
Blue neighed confidently, and shot off towards his target.
The game was really afoot for the townsfolk now. They were scrambling desperately to get out of the way of the fast running horses.
"Over here!" Men were calling from doorways of houses.
"Take my hand!" Folk were saying to their wife's, pulling them to safety.
"Sorry everyone!" Said Harry, keeping his eyes like daggers on the burly man. They were beginning to catch up very fast. "Cmon, blue! Give me all you've got, boy!"
Blue dashed faster, like a gust of wind whipping through the street.
The burly man heard the voice behind him, and turned quickly to survey his surroundings.
"Why do you have to be so annoying!" He shrieked, whipping his horse with the reins.
"I suppose that's part of my charm, isn't it!" Shouted back Harry, blue riding up very close to the front running horse, neighing loudly.
He reached a skinny arm out, trying to grab at the bag the burly man was still holding to his side.
It was no use, he was still just out of reach. There was only one thing for it. He had to get alongside him.
Just as Harry was about to bring blue forward, the burly mans horse laid on the brakes, and Harry practically flew off his horse trying to slow him down.
"Hahaha! How'd you like that, you skinny bastard?" Boomed the burly man, his horse taking a right, running into a narrow street. Washing lines were attached across the street with various articles of clothing on them. The burly man pulled out a knife from his pocket, and slashed at the clothes, clearing a path.
"Uh oh." Muttered Harry, as he rode face first into the washing lines.
"Ooh, ow! Yowch!" Squeaked Harry as clothes pegs pelted him in the face. The two riders bursted free of the washing lines. Harry pulled off a pair of white pants from his face, tossing them away. "This just isn't my day, is it?" He said to himself.
The burly man took a left turn, emerging into an even narrower street.
"Let's see you get through this!" Shouted the burly man, expertly riding his horse through the street.
"Don't fail me now blue!" Said Harry timidly, entering the street. Windows and stone walls were whipping by, mere inches from his body.
Up ahead, he watched the burly man take another left out of the street. Blue followed suite, and they came flying out onto a thankfully spacious street. Harry noticed a gleam in the distance, and was momentarily distracted by a beautiful tower of white bricks and gold cement.
This moment costed Harry. He looked back down, only to see a sight that filled him with horror.
The burly man had gotten off his horse, and positioned him directly in the path of Blue.
Blue neighed, and slammed his hoofs into the ground, desperately trying to slow down. As he did so, he accidentally bucked Harry clean off.
"WOOOOOOAHHH!" Harry yelped as he flew through the air, and landed hard on the muddy ground. He heard the burly man roar with laughter.
"Looks like the pretty boy's got a face full of dirt!" He laughed gleefully.
Harry simply stared at the blue sky and overhead sun in shock. How had this happened?
Not even 10 minutes ago, he was merely eating his breakfast, in his little old home.

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