Chapter 3: The Hero And The Princess

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"Geroff me!" Hissed Harry, as bugs jumped on him from any which direction.
This was a terrible night, on Harry standards.
He had been sat in this bush for hours. The sun had gone down, and the guards had not let up their patrol for even a moment. This left Harry no window to escape from the bushes.
He was trapped in every sense of the word.
"Where are you Blue?" Whispered Harry.
His horse had always been there for him, ever since he was a boy. This night was the first time Blue hadn't returned to his master.

It was then, that Harry's ears perked up. Could he feel... a draft? A draft coming from behind him?
Harry whipped around to look, but the tower wall was rock solid. That's when Harry realised that the draft wasn't coming from directly behind him, it was merely coming from nearby.
"Stay quiet, Harry..." he whispered to himself, as he hoisted himself into a crouching position.
He then began traversing through the bushes, pushing twigs and branches out of the way.
His foot snapped a particularly loud twig.
He stopped, his eyes wide.
The sound of circling footsteps did not falter.
Harry let out a breath, and continued forward.
He stopped when he noticed something. Just a little further ahead, the inside of the bush was being illuminated by moonlight, but from behind. This ought to have been impossible, so Harry kept moving towards it.
Perhaps a way out? Maybe an Angel come to take him out of this mess? Maybe-
And it was a way out! There was a small hole in the tower wall, surely invisible from outside of the bushes. Harry assumed the hole had simply gone unnoticed.
"Finally!" Said Harry quietly, and began pulling away extra white bricks to make the hole big enough to crawl through.
He then slid himself in head first, and cleared the hole with relative ease.
Harry thanked the stars he was thin.
He battled his way through more bushes, and then suddenly, his head popped out the other side.
He was inside the castle walls!
There, going high above him, was the tower of Anghara. The gold cement was sparkling in the moonlight.
Harry couldn't believe his eyes as he surveyed the rest of the tower garden. It was full of beautiful white flowers, with touches of pink and yellow.
There were vines dotted all around the walls, and even a waterfall going into a pond.
Harry clambered out of the bush, wiping off his clothes.
"I wonder..." Harry wondered. "Maybe if I got inside the tower, I could explain this whole situation. They're sure to be more understanding than the guards outside."
Harry mentally shook himself.
"That's stupid, Morris. But I can't stay here all night. I've got to get inside."
He began looking around the vicinity for any clues to how to get inside.
He looked up at the tower, seeing a window open halfway. He thought about climbing to the top, and rushed over to the tower to see if the bricks had good hand holds.
Thank the lord! The perfect white bricks were jagged in their placement, and Harry thought he could indeed climb the tower.
"Rats!" Said Harry, as he remembered the guards. Surely they'd see him if he tried to climb the wall.
But wait! Now that he thought about it, there was no way those guards believed he was already inside the castle walls.
They were patrolling so close to the outer walls, he would be out of view for most of the climb, and even then, he was sure the guards would not find reason in looking up.
Harry exhaled, and grabbed onto 2 white bricks.
He hoisted himself up, and got his legs up on more bricks. Yes, this would do.

It was long, nerve racking, tedious work.
More than once, his foot slipped off the brick it was on, and Harry squeaked like a mouse.

Up and up, further and further he went.
The wind was beginning to pick up being this high up, and Harry knew he had to get to that window at the top of the tower quick.

He finally grabbed hold of the windowsill. He was nearly safe!
He hoisted himself up through the window, breathing heavily, and landing on the marble floor.
"I, am never climbing anything," he panted, "ever again."
He hauled himself up, and sat back against the wall. He surveyed the room he had landed in.
It was a bedroom. The floor was made of glorious green marble, the walls were littered with paintings and gold decorations, and a huge king size bed complete with curtains. The room looked enchanting in the pale blue moonlight.

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