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I walked into Emma's room and sat down on her bed. "What is taking so long? You looked great three outfits ago." She steps out of her closet and rolls her eyes. "Just because you've been going to parties all year doesn't mean I have. You are already in college; this will be my first experience." I smile at her, shaking my head. "You look wonderful just like you always do. You know you're the pretty sister anyway."

Whatever Hallie," I can see the sparkle in her eye. She knows she's much to pretty for her own good. Her bright blue eyes and auburn hair have always gotten her attention. "You know we look identical except for your eyes. I wish I had green eyes like you." At only 13 months older than her we got that we looked like twins all the time. I touched the locket around my neck; our parents had matching ones made when we were born, we rarely take them off. We also did everything together, from running to shopping, to mocking our parents, we did everything possible together.

The front door slams and I stand up and rush Em out of her door. I wanted to be gone before our mom got home. "Emma, Hallie, what is y'alls plan for tonight?" She yells up at us.

"We are just going to go hang out at Hal's dorm, watch some movies, you know all that fun stuff." She winks at me and I just roll my eyes as we walk into the kitchen.

Mom turns and looks at us, "That sounds like fun, drive safe and call us if you need us. We are going to go out to dinner and come home to an empty house." I rolled my eyes, she'd been having her "empty nest, woe is me" moments a lot lately with Emma about to join me in college. We hug her and say our goodbyes before getting into my car.

"We are going to have so much fun!" Emma smiles brightly at me.

Had I only known that, that night would end in death and sirens, I would have driven my car straight to my dorm like she we were going to

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