Chapter 5

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Alright, this is really short. Like the shortest chapter so far. But I wanted to get something out today, since it is Sunday. It's 11:15pm here where I am. So here you go, it's pretty exciting, I think.

Pleaseeeeeeeeee comment. I would LOVE some feed back. I have over 200 views now, which is soooo amazing to me. But I only have 9 comment and like 3 of those are me. LOL

So here it is and thank you soo much for reading.




The next morning I roll onto my back and stretch. I had gotten a surprisingly good night's rest seeing as how my day had been yesterday. I look at my clock and sigh. I'll have to get up soon and head to work. I shake the thoughts of Brandon out of my head before I get up and take a shower before getting dressed.

Angie waves me over and gives me my pay check and a quick hug before shooing me off to help the customers that have already come in to have breakfast. The morning drags by, but before I know it it's finally my break time. I drop into a seat at the counter and ask one of the waitresses to get me a burger and fries before I rest my head on the counter. My feet are killing me and my back was already giving me problems and I still had more than a few hours before I could go home.

Right as my food comes out someone squeezes my shoulders and I jump up out of my seat.

"Whoa, I'm sorry Hals, I was going to stop for some lunch and saw you sitting here." My heart rate starts to come back down and I turn to face Ben.

"Good Lord, don't do that to me." I smile up at him before he wraps his arms around me, pulling be close against his chest. I can feel his laugher rumbling. He smells heavenly, that mixed with his arms around me makes my heart rate shoot back up. He finally pulls back pushing a strand of hair out of my face and sits in the seat next to mine. I slowly sit down shaking slightly from the way he makes my heart feel. I sigh and turn towards him as he grabs one of my fries.

"Hey, no sir, those are mine." I smack at his hand. He grins and pops the fry into his mouth.

"These are good. So, what are you up to tomorrow?" he grabs another from my plate and I can't even get upset. I start eating as well and swallow a bite of my burger before answering.

"Nothing, I have the day off so I planned on sitting on my butt all day. You?"

"I'm going to my parents for Sunday lunch. You in?" I almost choke on my drink. I know his mom invited me but I didn't think I'd ever really go. She was just being polite.

"Umm... sure?" It comes out more as a question than an answer. And his laugh is loud.

"Don't sound too excited about that. My mom has been asking when you are coming over. But you don't have to come." His eyes roam my face like he's trying to put something together.

"No, no, of course I'll come." I can see Angie waving me over to tell me my break is over. "Well, I have to get back to work. What time should I be ready?"

He stands up with me and wraps me in another hug. "I'll be knocking on your door at 10. Sound good?" I nod as he lets go.

Work goes even slower after he leaves. Every table seems to never leave and need a million things. Angie must have seen me looking flustered because she calls in one of the other girls to help me finish my shift. I walk home; since it was day time I didn't think I'd have a problem. I walk slowly breathing deeply.

When I get home I look at the crack in my wall. Knowing I need to fix it I grab my purse back up and head off to the hardware store to buy some spackle.

I walk into the store and find someone to help me, having no idea what all I'll need. Once everything is bought and I get back to my apartment I begin my work of patching the wall. As I do the seemingly easy work my mind drifts. I think about how this was even possible. I know that's not normal. I'm not even all that strong. Shaking my head I get back to my task.

I decide to take a run once I'm done and put on some work-out clothes and lace up my sneakers. Running was something Emma and I had done when we needed to think or get over something big that happened in our lives. I head out to the park down the road from my apartment and follow the trail. The park is beautiful, the flowers of all colors everywhere. And everything is green; the trees, the grass. I can almost feel the vegetation feeding me its energy. I turn down another trail, deeper into the trees. It's darker here and farther away from the streets.

And then my hands start to shake again. So I stop, trying to catch my breath and calm down. I lean my hand against a small tree and take a drink of my water. But the shaking won't stop this time. I can feel my body rushing with energy and I have no idea what to do with it all. I push off the tree and hear a loud snap. I jump backwards looking back at the tree as it falls to the ground, the top half falling to the ground with a loud crash. My eyes widen and I look all around me, almost turning in a circle.

No one is around me this time of day and I fall to my knees still shaking. What just happened? I can feel the pulse moving through my hands and I stare down at them. I'm scared, scared of myself, scared of what is happening to me, scared of what this might mean. I look back up at the tree split in two and I try to rationalize what just happened. But there isn't a rational explanation. I just cut that tree in half with my hand. I have a fuzzy memory of my mother putting her hand to my head when I fell and busted it open as a child. Then another of her placing her hand on Emma when she fell out of the tree.

I stand back up slowly, the world spinning around me. I feel like I might pass out but I know the middle of a park isn't the ideal place for that to happen. So I run, run as fast as I can towards my apartment. I make it to the street when my vision fades and I fall.

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